Dear Brethren,
2 May 2011 Chinese Gospel Meeting
Tomorrow we shall have another opportunity to invite our loved ones and friends to hear the Gospel message. This is our annual Chinese Gospel meeting. We probably have lost count how many years we have already organized this Chinese Gospel meeting in our Church. Let me share to you a brief history of the origin of this Chinese Gospel meeting.
It was way back in the late 70s or early 80s that a youth fellowship group called Life Bible Class in Life BP Church then had a burden for their unsaved parents to hear the Gospel and be converted. In this youth fellowship group, many were first generation Christians with unbelieving parents. In fact, many were persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. Yet, the desire for their parents to be saved was so strong that they planned a Chinese Gospel meeting to be held in Life BP Church and courageously invited their parents to come.
Frankly, it seems an impossible task for their parents to come as they very much opposed to Christianity. It was by simple faith in God that the very first Chinese Gospel meeting was held and thank God for many who attended. Subsequently, the Chinese Gospel meeting has been held every year for a period of time. In some years, bus was chartered to fetch parents to attend the Gospel meeting. It was amazing to see the work of God and some parents coming to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
When Tabernacle BP Church was formed in 1987, and after a few years later, we decided to continue this good tradition of having a yearly Chinese Gospel meeting. Thank God for putting this desire in us to reach out to lost souls especially those who are dear to us.
Have you invited anyone to the Chinese Gospel meeting tomorrow? It is still not too late as we can still try today. We can never be sure if there is another opportunity next year or even next week to invite someone to hear the Gospel. “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest.” John 4: 35.
7 May 2011 Singapore General Election
Singapore will go to the Polls on 7 May to elect our government. What should be our Christian attitude? Read Romans 13:1-7 to know our duty to those in authority knowing the powers that be are ordained of God (v.1b). Pray for our nation and the will of God be done for good and upright leaders to be elected to govern our country. Pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will continue to have free course to be preached in our land.
3 July 2011 Church Election
Our Church will be electing the session for a new 3 year term on 3 July. Please pray for God to work in our midst for leaders to be willing to serve and be faithful in their service. Pray that God will lead us to choose the leaders according to His Word for our Church. We have to start praying now for the election of the new session. God will hear and bless us when we earnestly desire for His leading in this election.
Elder John Leong