Dear Brethren,

It is with great joy in the Lord that we can organize the 3rd Bible camp for the Kuching Calvary Church on 12-13 May 2012.  The Lord enabled 5 of us to be able to help in the camp and granted us safety and grace to serve Him in the camp. We arrived on 11 May 2012 (Friday) and thank God for budget airlines that we can travel in a cheaper manner. Our hotel is Tunes hotel which is clean and simple without air-conditioning and TV. I always believe in travelling simply when we go for mission. The Lord is good to provide all our needs in the trip.

The campsite is at Lundu which is about 1.5 hour drive from Kuching city. It is a beautiful seaside resort. We booked a conference room for the meeting venue and in God’s good providence, we managed to convert 2 rooms to one family room with 2 bedrooms and a living room. With this change, we now can use the living room for the meeting venue for the children’s programme. The Lord is good to bless us with the 3rd camp. When I first proposed to have a camp in 2010, the church was fearful and wondered who would turn up. I encouraged them to pray and trust God with faith to bless the camp. The Lord did not fail us and now we had 3 camps for Kuching church. We wanted to use the camp as an outreach to newcomers for the church. Thank God that there were always newcomers in each of the 3 camps. The Kuching members worked very hard in this area to invite their friends to attend the camp. Thank God for their zeal. This year we had the largest attendance for the camp of 29 including us. When we do the Lord’s work and in His way, He will always bless and lead us through it. The problem is our lack of zeal and faith to do the work of the Lord.

The camp theme for this year’s camp is “The 3 kings of Israel – Saul, David and Solomon.” By God’s grace, I spoke in Chinese 3 messages of each of the life of the king. King Saul started well but due to his pride rejected the Lord and showed no sign of repentance. King David and King Solomon had their moments of folly into sin but repented from their sins. There is much to learn from these 2 kings in their love for the Lord. Thank God for 3 children that came to the camp and brother Nick taught them 3 messages on the life of Jesus and His salvation for sinners. There was good fellowship in the camp and spiritual awakening to seek and love the Lord.

On Monday night 14 May 2012, we had the church prayer meeting in one of the members’ home. Thank God for a very good turn up of all the family. I reminded the young church to seek the Lord in prayer always for without the Lord, we can do nothing. After prayer meeting, we had dinner fellowship together. We depart from Kuching on 15 May 2012 (Tuesday) morning and rejoiced at the way God had used us to be a blessing to the Kuching Church. God willing, we desire to be back again to help them organize the 4th camp in 2013, if the Lord tarries.

I would like to encourage everyone to strive to be a blessing to others near and far. Often we are self-centred and are concerned about own matters. There is much to do for the Lord in caring and helping others. The Lord Jesus reminded us in Matthew 15:40, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

Elder John Leong