Dearly Beloved Brethren,
Today is Chinese New year eve and I like to wish everyone a blessed lunar new year! I am sure you look forward to 2 days of holiday and also lots of good food in the celebration of the lunar new year. In the midst of such celebration, may we be reminded that we are the children of the Lord and ought to shine for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ at all times especially in this lunar new year season. I will share 3 areas that we can make our Chinese New Year a spiritually meaningful one to shine for the Lord.
Witness for Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16a “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ”)
Chinese New year provides a rare opportunity for us to meet many relatives and friends, some of them perhaps we only meet once a year. As we interact with them and find out about their well-being, let us also share to them that we are Christians and have found our joy and peace in our Saviour Jesus Christ. The Lord can use us to share the Gospel. We must never be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the power of God unto salvation. Pray to the Lord for courage and you can bring along some Gospel tracts to give out too.
For your unbelieving parents, what better way to witness to them than to show them extra love in this lunar new year? Give them an ang pow and wish them good health but most of all tell them from your heart how you wish they will trust in Jesus as you had done and together you and them will share eternity in Heaven. God can save the most hardened souls and pray and trust God to work in our unbelieving parents’ hearts.
Use Appropriate New year Greetings (Proverbs 15:4a “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life”)
The most common phrase utter in the new year is “Gong Xi Fa Cai” “恭喜发财”which implies we wish prosperity and riches to come to the people we greet. As Christians, we understand that what people need is not more material riches but rather peace in their hearts with God. Hence, I do not think it is appropriate to use the phrase “Gong Xi Fa Cai” “恭喜发财”in our new year greetings. Our words should be wholesome as taught by God’s Word. We can wish each other “God’s blessings of grace” “新年蒙恩”. It is also fine to wish our unbelieving parents and relatives good health and happy new year but most important of all is to share to them God’s love.
Pray that the Lord will help us that the words coming from our mouth will be a testimony for the Lord Jesus and show forth the love and grace of God in our hearts. Put away words of anger, wrath and curse but rather be filled with the Spirit to speak forth words of kindness and encouragement.
Beware of Vices (1 John 2:15a “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world”)
There will be temptations of drinking and gambling during lunar new year. It is common practice among unbelievers to indulge in such activity and many will tell themselves it is only done once a year. Many Christians can also be deceived in thinking it is fine to indulge in drinking and gambling only in the new year season. Beware of such sin and take heed to God’s commandment not to love the world.
Pray to the Lord for courage to take a firm stand even when we are under pressure to compromise. Tell your unbelieving friends that you are a Christian and you want to please God to do the right things. They may laugh and make fun of you. Do not be affected as your faithful action has brought the smile and approval of God.
Elder John Leong
‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness’ 1 John 1:9.
How sad for a young boy to have to grow up without a dad. Robert Robinson had to because his dad passed away when Robert was only eight years of age. As soon as he was old enough, he got a job as an apprentice to a barber. Because of the hardship of having to be the breadwinner for his widowed mother and himself, his formal education was limited. However, his knowledge was varied and extensive because he spent many hours in study.
Robert Robinson was born in Norfolk, England, in September, 1735. As he grew older. he came under the influence of that great evangelist, George Whitfield. He became convicted of his terrible, sinful ways. On 10 December 1755, Robinson could not escape from a particular phrase used by Mr. Whitfield in one of his sermons : “Oh, my hearers! the wrath to come! the wrath to come!” He was wondrously converted and became a minister of the gospel; first, in a Baptist church, then in a Methodist church, and later in other denominations. Then, unfortunately, he became altogether unstable and unhappy. Some would call it “backslidden.”
He found himself one day the fellow passenger of a young lady on a stagecoach. It is reported that she began to sing to break the monotony of the trip. And what did she sing?
Come, Thou fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace:
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above;
Praise the mount—I’m fixed upon it—
Mount of Thy redeeming love.
She asked him what he thought about the song, and his startling reply was : “Madam, I am the unhappy man who wrote that hymn many years ago; and, I would give a thousand worlds, if I had them, if I could feel now as I felt then.”
REFLECTION : May you never stray farther than the fingertips of the Lord; every morning and every evening come close to His heart!
(Adapted from Devotionals from famous Hymn Stories by Lindsay L. Terry. )