Dear Brethren,
Worry, Anxiety and Stress …
Many of us are plagued with these woes in life. It affects our physical health and worst of all, our spiritual walk with the Lord. The reality of the burdens of life can weigh heavily on us and they are many…our health, our finances, our children, our aged parents, our relationships, our school exams, our workloads, our future etc. We can choose to worry, be anxious and get very stressed about all these burdens or follow the biblical teaching that the Lord Jesus Christ has taught us in Luke 12:22-34. This was the message that I preached on 18 May 2014 in Church. For all wearied and worrying souls, may I urge you to read this Scripture passage in Luke 12:22-34 again and again to let God’s Word sanctify our hearts.
I know many will respond to say I can’t help but worry about the unknown tomorrows. Many will say it is really hard to trust fully what Jesus had taught. Some may even be skeptical whether the Lord Jesus will keep His promise to us. The truth is that the Lord Jesus knew all these doubts and struggles in us and He had a sharp rebuke for all who doubt Him and remain in their worries.
“O ye of little faith” Luke 12:28b
Worrying becomes a sin when we fail to trust God at His Word. Worrying is a sin when we lose our faith in Christ. We cannot treat this sin lightly and excuse ourselves for it. Let us confess our sin and pray every day for more faith in Christ and more trust at His Word. As Christians, we live with full assurance and confidence that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will always take care of us every day and every moment without fail. His provision for us will not stop for a single day. His love for us is an everlasting love.
Let me revise with you the 6 biblical lessons that the Lord Jesus had taught in Luke 12:22-34 why we should not worry about our lives on this earth.
Worry is a failure to understand God’s purpose for our lives (v.22-23)
God saved us not to be an eating machine or a mannequin as our life is more than meat and raiment. As Christians, we exist with a spiritual purpose and God is committed to take care of our physical needs.
Worry is a failure to understand God’s provision (v.24)
Jesus used the ravan – a bird that is most fragile to teach us that if He can feed these birds who have no ability to produce food, He surely can provide for us who is more precious to Him.
Worry is a failure to understand God’s determined time for our lives (v.25-26)
However we worry, we cannot increase our lifespan for a single day. The privilege to determine our lifespan on earth is God’s and our worry will make no contributions at all.
Worry is a failure to understand God’s preference (v.27-29)
Jesus used the example of His creation of the wild flower lilies to show that if He can design the flower so beautifully which is better than the design of king Solomon’s clothes, how much more will He clothe and take care of us who is His preference and priority. As God’s children, we are the apple of His eyes.
Worry is a failure to understand God as our Father (v.30-31)
Almost all earthly fathers do our best to provide for our children in our limited and imperfect capacity. As God’s children, we have a perfect Heavenly Father who knows all our needs. We need not be anxious as our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need and has the full resources to provide for us.
Worry is a failure to understand God’s pleasure to give us His kingdom (v.32)
We need not fear death and worry about dying. God is most gracious and willing to give us His Kingdom when we depart from this earth. This is the joy and hope of every Christian to be with our Lord Jesus forever in His heavenly Kingdom.
Elder John Leong