Dear Brethren,
“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpeneth Iron … the need to pray for one another
God has brought us together in our Church as brothers and sisters in Christ. We have a duty and responsibility to each other. We are accountable one to another. No member is an island by himself. No one should think I just need to live my own life and will not bother others neither do I want to be bothered by anyone. Proverbs 27:17 exhorts us that we have a duty to sharpen one another. This means we should cause others to be more Christ-like and to walk closer to the Lord.
What is the best way that we can encourage and support each other? The answer is to pray for one another. The Church weekly Prayer Times is published not just for us to know what is happening to another brother or sister. It is to remind us to pray one for another. We must pray and pray often for one another. If you want your prayer request to be published, please inform sister Doris who edits the Church weekly every week.
The Church Tuesday night Prayer Meeting is for all members to come together to pray corporately for the Church and for one another. What is stopping you from coming to Prayer Meeting? Make every effort and spend the time in prayer together with your brethren. This is the way to show you care and love one another. Praying one for another will sharpen each other spiritually.
Iron sharpeneth Iron … the need to meet in fellowship meeting
Thank God for the 3 fellowship groups in our Church :
- Ebenezer Youth Fellowship to cater to those from about 13 years old to about 25 years old who are mainly students
- Shomerim Young Adults Fellowship to cater to those from about 23 years old to about 35 years who are going to or just started their career and family life
- Adults Bible Study Fellowship to cater to all others
God has provided us the benefit of Christian fellowship to allow us to grow together in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Each fellowship group enables like-minded brethren to be together who share quite similar stage in their lives whether as students, or working or parents etc. Every member of the Body of Christ should not be found alone, but together, as each other’s keeper, to suffer and rejoice together. This is how we sharpen one another.
What is stopping you from attending any of the Fellowship meetings? It is through such fellowship meeting that we can provoke one another to love and good works. We sharpen one another by bearing one another’s burdens, exhort, comfort and rebuke one another. I want to encourage every Church member to make every effort to be in a fellowship group.
Iron sharpeneth Iron … the need to serve together
Another important way to sharpen each other is to serve the Lord together. This is how we learn to share our ideas, accept each other’s style of working, and support each other to ensure the task for the Lord is completed. When we serve with others, you will see his or her weaknesses and strength. Complement the weak areas of your brethren instead of criticizing and judging. Help and guide the younger brethren in their service instead of discouraging and hindering them. This is the way to sharpen the iron of your brethren in service to God.
My challenge to those who are not serving is to start today to volunteer in some areas of service to the Lord. You will find you can sharpen others and others can sharpen you as you serve the Lord together. I also want to challenge those who are serving whether you have fully used the gifts that God has given to you. Can you do more for the Lord to sharpen others in service? Can you give more of your time to the Lord in service so that your life can be a greater blessing to others? May all of us be willing for the Lord’s sake.
Elder John Leong