TESTIMONY by brother Sucha Singh for Adult Baptism

I want to thank the Lord for leading my family to Tabernacle BP Church. My heartfelt appreciation for the handbill inviting my kids to attend the Vacation Bible School in Nov 2014 and then through it, we joined the Church since then and came to know and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God that He wonderfully accepted me to become a Born-Again Christian and offering me His wonderful grace and forgiveness and the gift of eternal life!

My family has been attending Tabernacle BP Church till today. The children faithfully read the Bible daily and eagerly look forward to the Sun-day worship services.

Personally, I look forward with immense joy to December 20, 2015 when I will be baptised at Tabernacle Bible Presbyterian Church, a truly reformed and fundamental church which is Calvinistic and covenantal in doctrines and adhering to Westminster Confession of Faith, with the Word of God as the final authority in all things.

I have realised that salvation is a gift from God’s grace through faith in the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross (Ephesians 2:8-9). Salvation is received by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. I feel in my bones that good works and obedience are results of salvation, not requirements for salvation. Because of the greatness, sufficiency, and perfection of Christ’s sacrifice, all those who have truly received Jesus Christ as Saviour are eternally secure in salvation, kept by God’s power, secured and sealed in Christ forever.

I was sick and hospitalised at SGH for four months recently. In humility, I was showered with God’s blessings by Elder John, Preacher Clement, Yu Jie, Shuping, Eng Lock, Dorcas, and Miriam. The continuous daily pray-ers of the Church made a world of a difference and I now understand the privilege of being a Born-Again Christian, who is someone that repented of his sins and turned to Christ for salvation. And I feel wonderfully blessed by God, as a result to become part of God’s family forever. All this takes place as God’s Spirit works in my family through the members of Tabernacle Bible Presbyterian Church.

I thank the Lord and wish to pray for my wife’s salvation, too. New Born-Again Christians, like me, believe in “the resurrection power of God”. I’m convinced that the Christian faith is the true faith based on the fact that the Lord Jesus was raised from the dead. It is said that this is how Christianity differs from other religions, as other religious leaders have died and remained dead.

I want to thank the Lord for leading me to the true light in His true way. I also want to thank Tabernacle Bible Presbyterian Church through this humble testimony.


Testimony by brother Amos and sister Shuhui for Infant Baptism of their daughter Ler Loke En Ashrielle (吕乐恩)

God is the Author of our lives and works in ways that we cannot fathom. Just one year ago, our happy family of four went shopping after our An-nual Church Camp 2014. As we passed by one of the push-carts, Amos casually said that he missed seeing babies in rompers. My first thought then was, “Are you sure? I don’t think so…” A few months later, I found out that I was really expecting our third child. I felt worried as I was not sure if we would be able to cope with three children, none of our peers have three children anyway!

Subsequently, I went through difficult months of discomfort, fatigue and lastly very difficult labour. However, God was faithful and gracious as He saw me through all the difficulties. Finally on 9 September 2015, Ashriel-le was born safely. Despite being the third daughter that we have, Ashrielle brought lots of joy and thrilled our hearts again, as if we were first-time parents. Carrying her in our arms made all the prior difficulties all worth it.

However, God was putting us through another test. When the paediatrician examined Ashrielle on the second day after she was born, they realized that Ashrielle was unable to move her right hand. She was diagnosed with Erbs Palsy in the right arm, as she had suffered some nerve injury during the long labour that I had. It pained our hearts to see our little baby in such a condition. However, I thank God that we were worried but not discouraged. We committed Ashrielle’s condition to God in prayer. As of now, she is still undergoing physiotherapy, so that she can move her right hand flexibly, just like all other babies. We would also like to thank God for her good progress.

As we commit Ashrielle in Infant Baptism today, we are truly thankful to God for expanding our family. God has placed one more soul to our charge and we would do our very best to bring up Ashrielle in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4), just like how we are striving to train up Arielle and Asherrie in the ways of the Lord. It is not an easy task, but Ashrielle’s Chinese name “乐恩” reminds us that God’s grace is sufficient for us, and that His strength will be made perfect in our weak-ness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Please remember us in prayer, as we continue our Christian race together as a family of five.


Testimony by sister Sarah Chng for Reaffirmation of Faith

I was born into a Christian family and was being baptised as an infant. I’m blessed to be able to be surrounded by parents and relatives that are believers which made my walk with the Lord very smooth. Being born in a Christian family has it downside too as going to church just became a notion that I had to follow and a routine I had to keep to every Sunday.

However when I was in secondary 1, it was then I truly understood my faith in the Lord and it was then I knew that I truly believe in the Lord Je-sus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and I was ready to accept Him into my life . I wanted very much to reaffirm my faith as a Christian and I did pray about it. However what stopped me was the previous church I was attend-ing. I was from a charismatic church (Lighthouse Evangelism). I was well aware of the fact that I should not be in a charismatic church and I knew that what they stood for was not right. I have spoken to my parents a few times about my changing church to a Bible-Presbyterian church. However they did not want me to be apart from them as they wanted to worship as a family. I listened to them as I did not want to defy them so I continued staying in that church. However I knew in my heart that my reaffirmation of faith would not be done there and I would only want it done in a Bible-Presbyterian church. Hence, I held back my reaffirmation of faith and I kept praying for my parents’ approval in allowing me to change to a church which follows the biblical faith which I wanted.

Through the grace of God, my parents finally agreed to allow me to join Tabernacle BP Church in the mid of this year and I am truly thankful to the Lord and to my parents. I started taking up the Basic Bible Class and over the weeks I have been praying about my reaffirmation of faith. I am ready to continue serving the Lord and to spread His Words and love to the people around me.


Testimony by brother Matthew Tan for Transfer of Membership

How I came to know the Lord
I was born in a Christian family and since young, I had gone to church together with my parents. Though I have heard many messages from the pulpit on the Lord’s Day, it became more of a routine. However, I still hadn’t understood what it meant to be a true Christian or to have a personal relationship with God. It was by the providence of God, when I had turned 11 years old, it was then that while one of the pastors preached on a Lord’s Day on, “True and False Christians,” that made me reflect on my ways. By God’s grace, since then I have begun to seek the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, and to have a personal relationship with Him. Thank God for His goodness and mercies to me.

The reason I decided to transfer to Tabernacle BPC
During the June holidays, I was invited by my cousin to help in the Tabernacle Children’s Camp and in the process of it, I found much joy serving and after which, I attended the Ebenezer camp the week after. I then realized that I was living a stagnant Christian life, one who was not interested in the Word of God. I have also come to understand the meaning of Christian service and fellowship. Some of the messages during the Ebenezer camp spoke to me and it was that which had brought me back to the Lord. My parents too, had been much encouraged to see me coming to Taber-nacle BPC, as they very much wanted me to join a fellowship group in Church, which I had not done so in my previous Church. Through much prayer, and by the guidance of God, I have decided to join Tabernacle BPC, that I may be able to serve the Lord here, and to grow in Him and His Word.