TESTIMONY by brother David Khan Dabara
Adult Baptism

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. My name is David. I want to share with you my testimony for wanting to be baptised.

I was invited to Tabernacle BP Church by Aunty Dorcas for a VBS in 2015 to study God’s Word. I do not know anything about God at that time as I do not come from a Christian family. The lessons at the VBS touched my heart and I desired to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ. After the VBS, I was thinking of believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. The next week I was invited to come to Church again and I pondered what was going to happen. I learned from the message during the worship service. After the service, I was called by Aunty Dorcas together with my siblings. She shared the Gospel to us again. This time the Lord convicted our hearts. We confessed our sins to Jesus to cleanse our hearts with His precious blood. I trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour.

I have been a Christian for about 2 years. I attended the Sunday School Class called Little Ark which enabled me to know more about God’s Word. It was meaningful to me and I learned much in the class. Having attended all the lessons of the Basic Bible Class (BBC), I want to be baptised. I want to know more about God’s Word and obey it as I have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour.

Please pray for my family’s salvation and for me to trust in the Lord forever. I desire to apply all the things I learn in the BBC to show a good testimony for the Lord. I would want to thank everyone of you for your prayers and encouragements for my baptism today. God Bless.

Testimony by brother Lai Mun Weng Ethan 黎汶永
Reaffirmation of Faith

Dear brethren, I am Ethan and I am 13 years old. I have learned a lot from the Sunday School classes in Little Ark in my primary days for 6 years. I have also learned much from the Basic Bible Class (BBC) which I attended since Secondary 1. I am strengthened in the Word of God. I know the doctrines of God, man, sin, Bible, and many more from the class.

I would like to thank my mum and dad for raising me up in a Christian family, that I may start believing in the Lord Jesus Christ from a young age. I chose to be baptized this Easter as I truly want to be a child of God and be able to be a good testimony to bring others to the fold of God.

I desire that God would use me in the school that He has put me in (Maris Stella High School). I pray that I may be able to glorify His name and bring my unbelieving friends to Church. As my school is a Catholic school, most of the students are Catholics but I hope to bring my classmates, whether Catholics or non-Catholics, to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. This will be a tough task, but I know that if I trust in the Lord, I can do it by His grace. I pray that after baptism, the Holy Spirit will continue to fill me and strengthen me, enabling me to be a person that puts all his trust in the Lord.