MYANMAR MISSION – 1-6 April 2017
Testimony by Elder John Leong
By the grace of God, we had our 6th mission trip to Myanmar at New Life Orphan Centre (NLOC) this year. It never fails to amaze me of God’s provision and help in each mission trip. Truly all glory to His Name only! We arrived safely on 1 April (Sat) and thank God for journey mercies. On the Lord’s Day, I preached at NLOC Worship Service in the morning and Yangon BP Church Worship Service in the afternoon. Our team presented a song item in both the services.
The 3-day Vacation Bible School (VBS) started on Monday to Wednesday from 9am to 4pm. Thank God for about 120 students who attended the VBS. We divided into 5 classes. We taught the life of Peter in 5 lessons with 5 memory verses for the students to learn. It was a joy to see the students paying serious attention to learn God’s Word. The older class students even made the extra effort to memorise the verses in English besides their local Myanmar language. The Lord also helped every member in their various duties in the VBS in song leading, craft, games and Bible class activities.
At the end of each VBS, we would make our way to a village Church to teach the Word of God to the adults and children. The joy of the Lord is our strength even though it is always a long day for us in serving the Lord. We thank God for the opportunities to share the Gospel to unbelievers and encourage the believers in the poor village churches at the same time.
In this VBS, I had the privilege to share the BP constitution to 7 leaders of the BP Churches from North Myanmar who could come to Yangon. Thank God for these leaders who were receptive to God’s Word and willing to obey the truth of God’s Word so that their Churches can walk in the light of God’s Word. Charismatic and ecumenical influences are very strong and we pray that they will stand firm for the Lord and His Word.
We departed on Thursday and arrived safely back to Singapore. Surely it is the Lord who has helped us and the Lord who has used us in this mission trip. Though the brethren live in much poorer conditions than us in Singapore and had very little materially, yet so often they excel us in spiritual hunger and thirst for God’s Word. May the Lord help me to be fervent for Him and always abounding in His work all my life!
Testimony by brother Bo Hao
Thank God for the opportunity to join the Myanmar mission trip. This was my first time joining and the common remark from those who had gone previously was that the children and youths in Myanmar were the most obedient. It is true. In what ways were they well-behaved?
Firstly, they were not distracted. They were focused on learning God’s Word and really put in the effort to memorise all the five memory verses. The older ones could even memorise the verses in English. Perhaps one reason is that most of them did not have handphones or other handheld devices that would divert their attention. Another possible reason is that they really cherished the opportunities to learn God’s Word. When we quizzed them on what they have learned, they could answer the questions. It was a lesson for me to concentrate fully whenever God’s Word is being preached or taught.
Secondly, they were not disorganised. When I entered into the classroom, they were already seated down on the floor two by two with the girls on the left and the boys on the right, ready for the lessons on “The Life of Peter”, which was the theme of this VBS. It was also relatively easy to organise them whether for games or art and craft. They would share the art and craft materials and return them at the end. Their orderliness allowed the whole VBS to run on smoothly. It was a lesson for me to organise my life properly so that I can seek God and serve God effectively.
Thirdly, they were not disrespectful. They were eager to help us carry our bags, greet and thank us. Myanmar is warm, therefore they would bring fans into the classrooms and make sure that we get the fan breeze. When we had singspiration or other activities that involved the whole group at the main meeting place, they would again bring the fans out and ensure that we enjoy the cooling wind. They took care of us because they wanted to show their respect and appreciation for us. It was a lesson for me to honour and appreciate those who are labouring for the Lord.
Thank God for preserving the children and youth in Myanmar. Thank God for the privilege to serve in Myanmar. Even as we taught them lessons from God’s Word, they also taught us many lessons from their lives. I pray that they will continue to be disciplined and have the fear of God guarding and guiding them.
Testimony by sister Lingqin
I thank God for the opportunity to serve Him in the recent Myanmar Mission Trip’s Vacation Bible School together with 7 other brethren. It was another re-minder of His faithfulness and goodness with all the experiences we went through during the trip.
The Vacation Bible School (VBS) was held between 3 to 5 April 2017 at New Life Orphan Centre. This year children and young people from 5 orphan centres joined in the 3-day programme. The character study for this VBS is the Life of Peter. It was a topic I have never taught before, hence I was not confident I would be able to deliver the lessons clearly, especially when my class is made up of children aged between 5 – 13 years old. But the Lord is good. Through the preparation and further elaboration given by Elder John, God granted me the wisdom and words to speak. Indeed it is better to be God-confident than self-confident!
The first day of the VBS proved to be tough as the interpreter for my class had difficulty understanding what I was teaching. But thank God for His provision for another interpreter who came in to help which helped the children were able to understand the lessons better. I am also thankful for Crayson who was my assistant teacher. She put in a lot of effort to plan and conduct interesting activities for the children after every lesson.
Our day did not end when VBS finished at 5pm. We were off to different village churches where either Elder John or Bo Hao would preach to the adults first. The rest of us would take turns to share God’s Word and do a simple craft with the children. Thank God for the opportunity to see how the Burmese brethren continue to labour on for the Lord after so many years. Many of the villagers might have come out of curiosity or perhaps, for the free gifts that were given out after the sharing of God’s Word. But we take heart that God will bring these villagers to His own fold in His own good timing. One of the village churches that left a deep impression was the one we visited at the island of Dahla. All of us thought the meeting place would be held at the usual small hut we always go to in the previous mission trips. This year, the Lord provided a bigger place for the gathering to take place and praise the Lord, about 100 children came to hear His Word! When Ysabel prayed the sinner’s prayer with them, many were earnestly asking Jesus to be their personal Lord and Saviour. Pray for these chil-dren, that they will grow in knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The weather was punishing, ranging from 37 to 39 degrees Celsius but thank God for keeping the mission team safe and in good health throughout the trip. As we said our last goodbyes to the children at the orphan centre, one boy shook my hand and told me, ‘Teacher, see you next summer!’ My reply? ‘God willing, see you next summer!’
Testimony by sister Ysabel Tan
By God’s grace, I was able to join the Myanmar mission team for the second year. As I look back on the past year, I am thankful for His keeping. Although we were going there to teach, I was excited for the lessons that God had in store for me!
Throughout the trip, the Lord’s provision is abundant for us. Each day as we travelled to and fro the different village churches, we were granted journey mer-cies. During the long car rides, we sang hymn after hymn which comforted and encouraged us. Our meals were well provided for by the hosts in NLOC, who gave us the best they could (meat, soup, plenty of rice, Coke and 100plus)! Even when we went to the villages, many came to listen to the Word of God.
During our visit to Dahla village, which we had to take a ferry across the river and a motorcycle from the pier, the Lord brought almost 100 children to the village church! Even though the hut was not large, there was enough space to fit all the children. After sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, Saviour of all the world, we led the children to say the sinners’ prayer through the Burmese interpreter. Many of them had prayed aloud, and it is my pray-er that the gospel seed in their hearts will bear fruit in God’s good timing.
We are only able to visit NLOC and the village churches once a year, if the Lord will. Yet, I trust that God will continue to preserve His remnant in Myanmar, and that more shall be called out of darkness into His marvellous light.”
Testimony by sister Priscilla Tan (True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church)
It is a great privilege to be able to join the Myanmar Mission trip this year. My first trip to Myanmar was back in 2015. Every mission trip is different and each trip is an eye opening experience for me and a time of renewing my love for God’s people and my devotion to God. Leading up to the trip, I had several commitments and challenges which I had to resolve before the trip. God reminded me through many situations to wait upon Him and to find rest in Him through Proverbs 3:5-6 and Isaiah 40:31.
God is faithful and has provided help through the mission team and in many ways I never thought possible. The strength to carry on is provided by God. The wisdom is provided by God. All Glory to God!
Testimony by sister Qiao Yan (True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church)
I want to thank God for His provision of help in the preparation for the art and craft materials for this year Myanmar missionary trip. The Lord has moved my mum and aunt to help in the preparation with glad and cheerful hearts even though the preparation work is arduous and time consuming. My mother even took the extra mile to continue the preparation in my absence. I thank the Lord that I am able to share my missionary experiences with my non-believing family and show forth a Christian testimony while serving the Lord in this ministry. Through this, my family get to know more about Christ. Prayerfully that one day in God’s timing and will , my family can also come to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.