TESTIMONY for Nias Mission Trip 28 July-1 August 2017
By Deacon Bo Hao

Thank God for the opportunity to join the Nias mission trip. By God’s grace, we conducted a three-day Vacation Bible School (VBS) on the life of Peter at Rev Famachoi’s Primary School from 29 to 31 July (Sat to Mon). There were around 150 students but only three of us. Therefore, for the first time, we had to rely on their teachers to conduct the lessons. They taught Primary 1 and 2 while we taught Primary 3 to 6. Nonetheless, thank God for all the interpreters and helpers who contributed to the smooth running of the programme. God is gracious to send more labourers so that all the children can take part in the VBS. Despite the language barrier, God enabled us to serve together.

During this trip, there were frequent blackouts, especially at night. We had to bathe with a torchlight. The weather was warm and humid. We also had to endure mosquito bites. At times, it was uncomfortable and inconvenient. Nonetheless, thank God that there was no blackout when we were using the projector during the singspiration and quiz. Thank God that there was rain to replenish the water and the rain only came when we were indoor. God is gracious to grant us strength to serve Him throughout the three days of VBS. Despite our frailty, God used us to share the Gospel to the children in Nias.

On Tuesday when we were on our way to airport, we found out that a bridge required urgent repair and we were delayed. There was no other way to the airport. We enjoyed the coastal view while waiting. We managed to reach the airport in time but the flight was delayed. We waited again and after a few hours, the flight was cancelled and we had to stay in Nias for one more night. The airline booked a hotel for us to stay. Thank God we managed to take the first flight out of Nias the next day. Thank God, we also could book a flight from Medan to Singapore. God is gracious to take care of us and provide for our needs. Despite the disruptions, God brought us home safely.

God is sovereign. His plan will be accomplished no matter the circumstances. We just need to trust in His grace and follow Him faithfully.