Mission Report – May 2023 (Part 1)
By Mrs James Tan
It has been 5 months since we returned to Kenya and we apologise for the delay
in writing an official report for the church. Despite the lack of communication on
our side, we are thankful for the continual concern and prayers of our brethren at
home. The past months had been eventful and we would like to share some
significant accounts in this report:
College Matters
“…for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
(Revelation 1: 9b)
The 1st term of the College began on 9th May and ended on 30th March. We thank
God for 12 new students who joined the college and 63 returning students. Both
Preacher James and I had 10 teaching hours per week. The courses we taught
were Prison Epistles, Hermeneutics I, and Contemporary Theology (for James);
Through The Bible I, Elementary Greek I, and Bible and Its Translation (for
Shermaine). It is a great privilege to teach and we are always thankful to God for
His continual grace and enabling in service.
The stark change to the 1st term were our new roles and responsibilities in the
College. As shared during church camp, James has taken on the role of
Academic Dean and for myself, the role of the Registrar. The work of the
Registrar deals mainly with the intake processes of students into the College.
With much help and support of co-labourers in the college, I thank God for
the ability to ease into the role quickly and smoothly. James, on the other hand,
had the steeper mountain to scale as the Academic Dean. There was much
administrative work (e.g. collating and generating results slips, preparation of
printed notes, scheduling of time-table), in addition to academic counselling for
students on probation. As we adjusted and sought to fulfil the new duties, we had
certainly felt a more intense start during the term. Yet, it is surely God’s
goodness unto us, that we may deepen our understanding of His sufficiency.
After a month of vacation in April, the College resumed for the 2nd term.
This current term began on 1st May and will end on 21st July, God willing. Thank
God for the addition of new students. We continue to pray that God will raise
more faithful men and women for His harvest fields. Our courses this term are:
Pastoral Epistles, Hermeneutics II, Homiletic Theory, Contemporary Theology
II, and Hebrews (for James); Through the Bible II, Biblical Counselling, West-
minster Shorter Catechism, and Elementary Greek II (for Shermaine). We thank
God also for enabling us continually for the administrative duties. As the term
proceeds, please pray for: (1) God’s grace in service; (2) the faithful teaching of
God’s Word in the College; (3) receptive hearts in students to receive the Truth;
and (4) God’s keeping of the College as His witness.
Fellow Missionaries
“Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.”
(Romans 12:15)
Once a term begins, days and weeks are pretty much a clockwork for all of us in
the College. However, two unexpected events caught us by surprise during
the 1st term. The first was Reverend Eben Yoon’s injury a week before the start
of the term. He fell on a broken cup in the house and had a very deep cut in his
wrist. That accident occurred exactly on the day which we were travelling back
to Kenya. We were in transit when news of his hospitalisation reached us. In
addition to curbing blood loss, immediate surgery was necessary to reattach
severed muscles and nerve endings. Thank God the surgery was done in good
time by an experienced surgeon. Despite the injury, Reverend Yoon was soon
up and about in service. After weeks of review and many calls of concern for
treatment in Korea, Reverend Yoon got out of his hand cast. Contrary to our
concerns, there was no need for him to seek further treatment in Korea. Praise
God for seeing us through those initial weeks of the term as we sought Him in
The second turn of event had to do with the passing of Miss Bai’s father. The
mid-term examinations were just around the corner when Miss Bai received the
news from home. In a matter of hours, arrangements were made for her flight
back to Korea on the very same afternoon. It was heavy news for all of us,
especially when she had made plans to visit home at the end of the term. Thank
God for keeping her spiritually strong as she made some final work
arrangements before departing for her flight. Miss Bai was away from the
college for 2 months understandably. We were comforted that she could be with
her family in their period of grief. Moreover, we thank God for granting wisdom
to make some slight adjustments and more so for the charity shown amongst
co-labourers. Miss Bai came back to Kenya before the final examinations and
the 1st term concluded smoothly. Throughout Miss Bai’s absence, God saw to
the continuation of His work, mainly the kindergarten and junior Youth
ministry. Praise God again for His continual keeping.
The 1-month vacation in April gave us a good opportunity to visit
Reverend and Mrs Park in Tanzania (Arusha). Together with Reverend
Yoon, we had the privilege to join and to rejoice with them for the
Graduation Service of BCEA Tanzania. The last time James and I visited
the Arusha campus was in 2019. It was hence most joyous to see the
work of the Lord prosper in our sister college. We could see how the new
library and renovated classrooms enhanced the learning of God’s Word
for the students. Though short, it was also encouraging to have a time of
fellowship with Reverend Judah and Amos who had been serving
faithfully in Tanzania for many years. There we were – 3 Koreans, 2
Tanzanians and 2 Singaporeans. 3 nationalities, yet 1 labour in the unity
of God’s Truth. On hindsight, how I thank God for our alma mater – The
Far Eastern Bible College. May God continue to preserve FEBC for
many good years, for the training of many more men and women for His
truth and glory alone!
On the topic of fellow missionaries, we cannot fail to mention Reverend Kim and his
family. While Reverend Kim was in Kenya with us for a season during the 1st term, Mrs
Kim and Deborah (his daughter), remained in Rwanda due to ongoing work for the
College’s accreditation in Kigali. The accreditation process has taken years. We thank
God for their tireless and persevering work. In Rwanda, the standing law is that all
ministers of the pulpit must at least have a university degree. It is hence necessary for
the College to obtain accredited status, so that students may preach after graduating. A
few theological schools have since been accredited by the Rwandan government.
However, they are all liberal universities. Thus, our prayer is that God may grant
success for the accreditation application so that His Truth can be declared, even in
Kigali. Yet, in our desires and prayers, our constant submission is that His will be done.
We pray too that God will strengthen and grant wisdom upon those involved in this
laborious work.
Lastly, we like to share about Miss Judith Collins – a long-time Canadian
missionary to Kenya under the Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions
(IBPFM). Ms Collins has been serving in Kenya for decades. She started her work in
Kenya as a lecturer in BCEA but has stopped her teaching duties a few years ago due to
old age. In fact, we were told that she had personally supported African students to
FEBC for studies during her teaching years. Although she no longer serves in BCEA,
she continues to watch over other IBPMF ministries in Kenya. 2 weeks back, she
suffered a stroke and a subsequent heart attack. Medical treatment was delayed for
several hours but thank God she was finally admitted into the hospital when Reverend
Yoon came to hear of her critical condition. Her condition has since stabilised and she
has regained partial consciousness. However, the latest medical assessment and
recommendation is for her to receive long-term nursing home care. There are yet many
decisions to be made. We are praying for God’s mercies and His provision for the
medical needs as well as His guidance upon those in the IBPFM as they manage the on-
going situation. May the Lord continue to watch over Miss Collins who have been
serving Him faithfully these many years in Kenya.