Transfer of Membership Testimonies

Testimony of Reverend Wee Eng Moh

I came from a home of idol-worshippers. At a tender age, I was dedicated as a god-son to the goddess of mercy. My family was then living in the Joo Chiat area and the famous Kwan Im Temple at Tembeling Road was within walking distance from our home.

I studied at the nearby Presbyterian Boys’ School. It was at the school’s Friday Bible Club meeting that I heard the Gospel when I was about twelve years old. I remembered clearly the day, when two evangelists from Italy came to preach to us. Known as the Bartholomew brothers, they were both fine musicians as well as ventriloquists. When the altar call was given, I raised my hand, indicating my desire to commit my life to Jesus Christ.

Thankfully, my parents were open to my new-found faith. Later, a classmate brought me to the Bethesda Katong Sunday School which I attended for the next two years.

However, when I left school to start work, my church attendance became irregular. Subsequently, my stint in the army was tough and I went the way of the world. My life without God became empty and miserable.

After many years, the Lord in His grace, brought me back to Him and called me into the ministry. It has been a joy and privilege to serve the Lord. There were hard times but there were also many times of rejoicing and encouragement. Due to my health issues, Berith B-P Church was dissolved in August last year. Having attended Tabernacle B-P Church for the past seven months, I look forward to joining the church as a member, along with my wife, Helen.


Testimony of Helen Lee Gek Suan

I came from a family steeped in idolatry. My grandfather was a temple medium. Our home, which was used as a temple, had more than 30 idols of different shapes and sizes. Almost daily, devotees would come to consult my grandfather, who would then go into a trance.

My grandfather had many grandchildren but I was one of his favourites. Well, with this privilege came additional responsibilities! I was assigned the unenviable task of burning joss-sticks to the 30-plus idols at home. Though my grandfather was very dear to me, I could not accept his religion nor did I believe in his gods. I disliked this daily task but did it dutifully to please my grandfather.

One day, when I was about 16 years old, my aunty Yew Lian visited me at home. She came with the sole purpose of sharing the Gospel with me. On hindsight, I really respect my aunty for her courage in introducing the Saviour to one from such a heathenistic background and whose grandfather was known for his fierce and violent nature!

There in the hall, before the gods of my grandfather, Aunty Yew Lian – quoting from Romans 3:23, 6:23 and Hebrews 9:27 – bravely told me of Jesus and His love. Because this godly aunty of mine did not fear man but feared God, I was drawn to know the Lord and His saving grace. There and then, I prayed with my aunty to confess my sins and to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord.

Sadly, though I attended church for a while, I began to lose interest in the things of God due to worldly influences. When I started working, the world continued to appeal to my flesh. I spent my nights at parties and barbeques with my non[1]Christian colleagues. I was a Christian in name but not in practice. Upon looking back, I realised that I had badly shamed the name of Christ by my bad testimony.

However, our gracious Lord knew all about me even though I went astray. One day, the Lord used my older brother to speak to me. He had noticed my misery, and advised me to return to church and to the Lord. In my desperate state, I received his counsel gladly. Thank God for His timely intervention to restore me and draw me back unto Himself. I have never looked back since.

Thank God for granting Eng Moh and I the grace and strength to serve Him in the ministry. With the dissolution of our previous church, we now look forward to joining the congregation of Tabernacle B-P Church.

Testimony of Li Qicheng, Kelvin

It is regrettable that not once, in the first 20 years of my life, did it ever cross my mind that I was not a born -again believer. Neither did anyone else doubt my salvation. I presumed that that was the case because I attended church since I was a toddler, said the sinner’s prayer and graduated from children’s Sunday school. Hardly did I miss any worship services too. Yet, apart from worship service and fellowship meetings, away from the eyes of church and family members, I had no thought of pleasing God . I was a hypocrite, a Sunday Christian at best.

It was not until that unforgettable day on 26 December 2010, that I experienced a sudden conversion during a bus ride on my way home. My eyes were enlightened and my mind was made sober from being spiritually dull. I was born again at that instance. “Life is meaningless without God [in the picture]. I need to serve the Lord,” were the thoughts that followed (incidentally, that is the message behind the Book of Ecclesiastes). All praise and glory to our merciful God who has not forgotten this hardened professing believer!

Since then, I began to be able to appreciate the wisdom from the Word of God as it was preached and taught. I learned that it was my total inability to save myself, that the Son of God came to suffer, bleed and die on the cross for sinners like me; it was purely by God’s unconditional grace that I am chosen to be saved from eternal condemnation and henceforth to serve the risen Lord and Saviour; and unless the Holy Spirit indwells me, I am none of His and can do nothing to please Him. I am grateful for these precious gospel truths and they constrain me to, little by little, deny myself, take up the cross, and follow Christ.

I also thank God for the fellowship I have enjoyed with brethren from Tabernacle BPC since some time back and I believe that the Lord has led me to be a part of this church. My prayer is that we endeavour, as children of the Most High, to continually praise Him for all the sacrifices His Son has made for us and for all the goodness He has bestowed upon us and that we abound in His Word, to be in prayer and submission to His will. Amen.