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2022 Weekly No.46

Q&AFIVE DEGREES OF CENSURE QuestionYou have mentioned that there are five degrees of censure in church discipline.What exactly are these five degrees and is this stated in the church constitution? […]

2022 Weekly No.45

THE CHURCH CAMPLike the Feast of the Tabernacles The nation of Israel celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles last monthfrom October 9-16. It is one of the three pilgrimage feasts of […]

2022 Weekly No.44

REFORMATION SUNDAY On Reformation Sunday, we remember Martin Luther nailing the 95theses on the castle door of Wittenberg on October 31, 1517. Why makethe effort to remember such an event? […]

2022 Weekly No.43

THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITHON WATER BAPTISM QuestionIf I know of someone who came to believe in Christ while he is critically ill onthe hospital bed, can I find someone […]

2022 Weekly No.42

DON’T DIE A FOOL!by Rev (Dr) Quek Suan YewPublished in the Weekly of Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian ChurchDated 18th September 2022Sermon Preached in Tabernacle Bible-Presbyterian Churchon 11th September 2022 “The lips […]

2022 Weekly No.41

PREACHING WITH ALL AUTHORITY“These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let noman despise thee.” (Titus 2:15) In the sermon last week, we saw how Titus was exhorted […]

2022 Weekly No.40

SERVING THE BELLY? Text: 2 Kings 5:20-27 Man need food and water to survive. It is thus little surprise that unregenerateman will do all he can to make sure that […]

2022 Weekly No.39

IS YOUR HOUSE A HOME? “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it…” (Psalm 127:1a) One of the most exciting highlights for a couple married […]

2022 Weekly No.38

DIVINE PROVINGAdapted from Horatius Bonar’s Night of Weeping:When God’s Children Suffer There are no beings about whom we make so many mistakes as our own selves.“The heart is deceitful above […]

2022 Weekly No.37

MISSIONS UPDATE (SEPTEMBER 2022)Preacher and Mrs James Tan We thank God for the passing of our second semester in the year, opening on 4th May andfinishing with the final exams […]