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2022 Weekly No.16

Testimony of Josiah and Ivy Chiang We would like to thank God for His guidance,mercy, and protection during the pandemic period.By God’s grace, Moses was safely delivered on 20December 2021. […]

2022 Weekly No.15

A FEW WORDS ABOUT MARRIAGEby Wang Ming Tao(with minor edits and additions by Pastor) We should regard marriage as great as life and death. Then we will nottalk easily about […]

2022 Weekly No.14

Summary of Sunday School Teachers’ Training (12 March 2022)on “The Makings for a Good Sunday School Lesson”taught by Sister Joycelyn Chng As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and teachers […]

2022 Weekly No.13

ONLY GOD IS WORTHY OF WORSHIP (I) Text: Revelation 4 Much controversy rages today on how worship ought to be conducted. Shouldcorporate worship be “traditional” or “contemporary”? How should one […]

2022 Weekly No.12

CHRISTIAN, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!by Wang Ming Tao(Originally translated by Timothy Tow with minor edits from the editor) The end of this age is drawing to a close. False prophets […]

2022 Weekly No.11

THE VISIONS OF THE KINGDOMS The Bible contains many visions pertaining to the kingdoms of the world. Today,we examine briefly three related visions dealing with four great empires of theworld. […]

2022 Weekly No.10

WHO IS YOUR ADVERSARY? Text: Zechariah 3:1-5 “And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel ofthe LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist […]

2022 Weekly No.9

SPIRITUAL ANOSMIA Text: 1 Peter 2:3 – “If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” One of the symptoms of contracting COVID-19 is anosmia (i.e. the lossof […]

2022 Weekly No.8

THE LEAVEN OF NEW CALVINISM (V)New Calvinism and the Sign Gifts Another major issue of New Calvinism involves its deficient view concerning sign gifts. Whilesome of them are outwardly Charismatic, […]

2022 Weekly No.7

MAN PROPOSES, GOD DISPOSESMessage Delivered by Timothy Tow over SBC on12th January 1986 In spite of the recession and a forecast of zero growth this new year of1986, Singaporeans are […]