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2021 Weekly No.48

WORSHIP DURING THE PANDEMIC (II)Testimonies of Students from the Course on“Theology of Worship” My Responsibility to Worship As I began the course, I did not think that I would be […]

2021 Weekly No.47

WORSHIP DURING THE PANDEMIC (I)Testimonies of Students from the Course on “Theology of Worship” Never Take the Worship Service for Granted Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I have attended church with […]

2021 Weekly No.46

THE SERVANT OF THE LORD (II)Reflections on the use of the expression in theBook of Joshua THE PREPARATION OF THE SERVANT In the previous weekly, we saw how Joshua was […]

2021 Weekly No.45

THE SERVANT OF THE LORD (I)Reflections on the use of the expression in the Book of Joshua Every Christian is called to be a servant of the Lord. This is […]

2021 Weekly No.43

BAPTISMAL REGENERATION? The doctrine of baptismal regeneration teaches that baptism is necessary for salvation. Morespecifically, it teaches that a person is only “regenerated” or “saved” when he is baptised withwater. […]

2021 Weekly No.42

“Beatitudes of Revelation (Rev 1:3)”A Summary of Sermon Preached by Rev (Dr) Jeffrey Khoo in True Life BPC on 5th September 2021Summary by Sister Tammy Ho Revelation 1:3 is the […]

2021 Weekly No.41

THE AUTHORITY AND SUFFICIENCY OF SCRIPTURESamuel JosephA sermon preached at True Life BPC on the Lord’s Day, 25 July 2021(Originally Published in Vol. XVIII No. 50 of True Life BPC […]

2021 Weekly No.40

THE PASTOR AND HIS DUTY (III)The Pastor is Called to Defend the Flock In Psalm 23, the LORD is pictured as a shepherd who will defend His sheep with Hisrod […]

2021 Weekly No.39

THE PASTOR AND HIS DUTY (III)The Pastor is Called to LeadLeading by Modelling The chief way in which the pastor is to lead is to be the very example and […]

2021 Weekly No.38

THE PASTOR AND HIS DUTY (II)The Pastor is Called to Feed The Pastor Must Preach and Teach As seen in the last weekly, Ephesians 4:11 teaches us that the term […]