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2021 Weekly No.19

MISSIONS UPDATE MAY 2021By Preacher James Tan The First TermWe thank God for being able to conduct the first term, with a reduced number of students, andan intensive schedule of […]

2021 Weekly No.18

WAIT ON THE LORD (II) Texts: Psalm 130:5-6 plus selected texts The Basis for Waiting The Christian’s waiting is not a blind or desperate wait but is based on the […]

2021 Weekly No.17

WAIT ON THE LORD (I) Texts: Psalm 130:5-6 and selected texts Modern technology has brought much convenience to our lives. Information isavailable at the tip of our fingers via the […]

2021 Weekly No.16

THE WORSHIP GOD SEEKS Text: John 4:23-24 “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Fatherin spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh […]

2021 Weekly No.15

PASTORAL CHATMagnifying God’s Word We began our Study of the Book of Revelation in the English Worship Service byconsidering how John lived “for the Word of God, and the testimony […]

2021 Weekly No.14

Testimony of Ler Yoke Xuan, Arielle I am Arielle and I want to thank God for my salvation andthat I am going to reaffirm my faith. I grew up in […]

2021 Weekly No.13

THE ACTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The Book of Acts is sometimes called “The Acts of the Holy Spirit”. In the synopticgospels, the focus lies in the Lord Jesus Christ […]

2021 Weekly No.12

A CLIMATE OF FEAR We live in a world where the hearts of men are gripped by fear. Early last year, the worldwas turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

2021 Weekly No.11

CHRIST IS COMING, ARE YOU READY?(Summary of Message Preached at FCM Combined Meeting, 11th March 2021) The Fundamental Christian Ministry (FCM) reaches out to youths who are studying intertiary institutions. […]

2021 Weekly No.10

STUDYING OR FEEDING ON GOD’S WORD? Text: Matthew 4:4 We are often told that Christians should “feed” on God’s Word. Thisexhortation is drawn from Matthew 4:4 – “But he answered […]