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2020 Weekly No.21

NEVER ALONE Read John 14:1-6; 18 I have preached recently on this topic on 10 May 2020. And I thought it was most appropriate to be preached also at the […]

2020 Weekly No.20

DIVINE HARDENING In the sermon entitled, “Unbelievable Unbelief”, we saw how the children of Israel refused to receive Christ as their Lord and Saviour, despite the perfect preaching and great […]

2020 Weekly No.19

SPIRITUAL SPECTACLES Those of us who have myopia (i.e. short-sightedness) will know the importance of our spectacles. Without them, we are not able to see or discern clearly. There will […]

2020 Weekly No.18

RECENT ABUSE OF THE LORD’S SUPPER The rapid spread of the SARS-COV-2 has made it impossible for churches to gather physically as the congregation of God, to partake of the […]

2020 Weekly No.17

THE WORST FAMINE Text: Amos 8:11-12 The COVID-19 global outbreak has caused supply chains around the world to be disrupted. Farmers who have harvested their food are unable to transport […]

2020 Weekly No.16

Missions Report April 1 2020 by Preacher James Tan We are thankful for the time spent at the church camp, and with family and friends in December. We returned to […]

2020 Weekly No.15

Testimony by Chow Yi En, Ian for Reaffirmation of Faith I am thankful to be born into a Christian family and be baptised as an infant, yet I am ashamed […]

Update on Lord’s Day Services 主日崇拜的简报

Our Social Responsibility In submission to the government authorities (Rom. 13:1-8) and fulfilment of the commandment to love our neighbours as ourselves (Matt. 22:39), I would like to urge the […]

2020 Weekly No.14

“For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.”  (1 Corinthians 3:9)   The recent events in the church reminded me very much of […]

2020 Weekly No.13

LIVE STREAMING OF SERVICES: BANE OR BOON?  Due to the worsening COVID-19 situation, the authorities have wisely announced new and necessary measures to contain the spread of the plague. The […]