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2019 Weekly No.14

SHORT DEVOTIONS FROM 2 CORINTHIANS DEVOTION 1: A PURE CONSCIENCE Text: 2 Corinthians 1:12-14 There is a proverb in the Chinese Church which says, “When God works, Satan also works.” […]

2019 Weekly No.13

Last week, we touched on the permissive will of God with respect to sicknesses. We learnt how sickness is sometimes permitted by the Lord so that His higher purposes may […]

2019 Weekly No.12

UNDERSTANDING SICKNESS Sickness and death are all around us in the world. However, it was not so in the beginning. When God created the world, there was no disease nor […]

2019 Weekly No.11

The Rev (Dr) Tow Siang Hwa, founding pastor of Calvary Pandan BPC, was promoted to glory on 8 March 2018. Dr. S H Tow was used by God to be […]

2019 Weekly No.10

RECEIVING THE WORD OF GOD (Summary of Message Preached at Ebenezer’s 10th Anniversary) Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:13 We rejoice with Ebenezer Youth Fellowship on her 10th Anniversary. This is only […]

2019 Weekly No.9

Q&A : WHY CREEDS? There seems to be a trend in Christianity to decry the use of creeds and confessions. Some claim that they promote a dead orthodoxy. Others reason […]

2019 Weekly No.8

A NEW CREATURE Text: 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” […]

2019 Weekly No.7

WHAT FOOD DO WE EAT? Text: 1 Peter 2:2; 2 Corinthians 2:17 Parents are careful with what they give their children to eat. They will make sure the child will […]

2019 Weekly No.6

BLESSING OF BLESSINGS (福) (A Radio Message by Rev. Timothy Tow, Published 14th Feb 1981) with minor editions At Chinese New Year, it is required of us to speak kind […]

2019 Weekly No.5

HOW BIBLE-PRESBYTERIAN ARE WE?The following are Rev. Timothy Tow’s points (founder of the Singapore BP Movement) taken from the weekly of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church dated 13 January 1980. I have […]