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2019 Weekly No.4

UPDATE FROM PREACHER JAMES TAN (JANUARY 2019) The past year has been very eventful. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in April. By God’s mercies, treatment was completed by early […]

2019 Weekly No.3

THE PILGRIM’S WARFARE Text: 1 Peter 2:11 “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;” (1 Peter 2:11) The customs […]

2019 Weekly No.2

SEPARATION FROM BRETHREN? Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 Read also: 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 Christians are called to be saints (Rom. 1:7; 1 Cor 1:2). The word saints (hagios) literally means “holy […]

2019 Weekly No.1

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? The expression “unconditional love” is often bandied in evangelical circles. However, different people may mean different things when they use this term. If the doctrine of unconditional love […]

2018 Weekly No.52

AS WE END THE YEAR, it is good to be reminded that we live in an extremely perilous world. The world may be merry making, but Christians ought to be […]

2018 Weekly No.51

Testimony by Brother Puay Kim Hock for Believers’ Baptism Hi everyone, my name is Puay Jin Hock, I am very glad to share with everyone how I came to the […]

2018 Weekly No.50

THE LEGACY OF JOHN SUNG IN THE BIBLE-PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (An Abridgement of The Asian Awakening, pp. 59-67, pub. 1988 by Rev Timothy Tow) Though we have traced the origins of […]

2018 Weekly No.49

THE ASIAN AWAKENING (II) We continue our study of the Asian Awakening under Dr. John Sung. This time, we have an abridgement of Rev. Timothy Tow’s impression of the man. […]

2018 Weekly No.48

THE ASIAN AWAKENING The theme of this year’s church camp is “Revive Thy Church, O Lord!” As we embark for our annual spiritual retreat, it will be good for us […]

2018 Weekly No.47

BLESSED UNITY Text: Psalm 133 Unity is important in every organisation. A divided body will surely fall. The same is true for the church. When there is no unity, little […]