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2018 Weekly No.46

SCHADENFREUDE? Text: Isaiah 15:5; 16:9-11 (Read Isaiah 15-16 for context) The term “schadenfreude” is often used to describe the pleasure or joy derived from another person’s suffering or pain. This […]

2018 Weekly No.45

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS (Synopsis of Message Preached at the Wedding Ceremony of Mr and Mrs Wee Bo Hao) It is our privilege and delight today to witness the holy […]

2018 Weekly No.44

JACKSON AHOY! We begin our first worship service at PSB Academy Stem Campus, Jackson Square. How did we end up at Braddell? In July 2018, Tabernacle Bible Presbyterian Church (TABPC) […]

2018 Weekly No.43

A CLOUD OF WITNESSES Text: Hebrews 12:1a Today is Reformation Sunday. It is also the day of our last worship service in Tabernacle BPC in Changi Bethany Church (CBC). How […]

2018 Weekly No.42

THE YOUTH FELLOWSHIP I have been much encouraged in recent weeks by some leaders of the Ebenezer Youth Fellowship who took initiative to enquire how they may improve in their […]

2018 Weekly No.41

THE B-P SINGAPORE TREE HAS SEVEN ROOTS (An abridgement of a similarly titled article by Rev. Timothy Tow) From the parable of the mustard seed (not mushroom) which grew into […]

2018 Weekly No.40

HANDLING CHURCH FINANCES Text: 2 Corinthians 8:16-24 Every church ought to be careful in handling her finances. Firstly, these funds are the monies of God’s people given with the trust […]

2018 Weekly No.39

GUIDESLINES FOR THE PREMISES COMMITTEE (as of 30 September 2018) Function of Premises Committee The function of the premises committee is to assist the Session in sourcing and negotiating a […]

2018 Weekly No.38

LESSONS FROM THE CLOUD Text: Exodus 40:34-38 The cloud which went before the children of Israel in the wilderness holds many precious lessons that are pertinent to the situation confronting […]

2018 Weekly No.37

THE BIBLE ON HOMOSEXUALITY The topic of homosexuality is hotly debated in Singapore in recent days. As Christians, we must respond to this issue biblically. What then does the Bible […]