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2016 Weekly No. 51

A READY SCRIBE Text: Ezra 7:1-10 Last Sunday, I was privileged to witness year-end dinner of the Taber Tots class. We thank God for the three students in the Taber […]

2016 Weekly No. 50

LOOKING FOR THAT BLESSED HOPE (TITUS 2:13) Reminiscences of Tabernacle BPC Camp 2016 How time flies! Church camp is now over. It was a blessed time of fellowship around God’s […]

2016 Weekly No. 49

MUSTARD SEED BIBLE-PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Today, we reproduce two correspondences of Preacher Li Ya Hui with the Session of Tabernacle BPC concerning the founding of new work in China. They have […]

2016 Weekly No. 48

OFFER UNTO GOD THANKSGIVING! (Psalm 50:14) The United States of America celebrates Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November. The first thanksgiving was conducted in October 1662. About 90 […]

2016 Weekly No. 47

TRUTH AMIDST DISINFORMATION We live in a world full of disinformation and misrepresentation. An uproar over the proliferation of fake news in both traditional main-stream and social media has been […]

2016 Weekly No. 46

DON’T STOP PRAYING! Text: Luke 18:1-8 Praying to God is a wonderful privilege given to all Christians. Only the saints can have access to God’s throne of grace. Alas, believers […]

2016 Weekly No. 45

MISSIONS REPORT by Preacher James Tan- October 2016 Bible College of East Africa (Tanzania) Thank God for the opportunity to spend three weeks at BCEA (Tanzania), the sister college to the […]

2016 Weekly No. 44

REFORMATION SUNDAY AND JOHN HUSS Edited from Original Article by Rev. Timothy Tow Published in Life Bible-Presbyterian Church Weekly Dated 27th October 1985 We observe Reformation Sunday in the Bible-Presbyterian […]

2016 Weekly No. 43

TWO PARABLES OF SEEDS Text: Mark 4:26-32 In the text today, Jesus taught His disciples two parables of seeds. The first parable is the Parable of the Secretly Growing Seed […]

2016 Weekly No. 42

TESTIMONY by Brother Bo Hao for Nias Mission Trip 24-28 September 2016 Thank God for the opportunity to serve Him in the Nias mission trip where we taught five lessons […]