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2016 Weekly No. 41

SAY “NO” TO ONLINE GAMBLING! First, we had the casinos. Now, a new scourge has arrived on our shores – legalised online betting. According to the Straits Times (29 September 2016), online […]

2016 Weekly No. 40

LOOKING FOR A SPOUSE? (Originally published in the weekly of True Life Bible-Presbyterian Church Vol. XIII No. 50) Text: Genesis 24:1-27 Looking for a spouse is something that comes naturally to […]

2016 Weekly No. 39

“Their religion is their kitchen” (Calvin) “Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly. . .” (Philippians 3:19) One of the characteristics of false teachers is a voracious appetite for […]

2016 Weekly No. 38

TESTIMONIES OF LADIES’ BIBLE RETREAT 2016 Testimony of Thessa Lagapa (From True- Life BPC) Thank God that I was able to attend Tabernacle’s Ladies’ Bible Retreat for the second time. […]

2016 Weekly No. 37

THE ACTIVITIES OF SATAN In his book The Art of War, Sun Tze writes, “Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” ( 知己知彼,百战不殆。… 不知彼, 不知己, 百战必殆。) […]

2016 Weekly No. 36

Preacher’s Chat – THE EARLY LIFE OF CARL MCINTIRE In recent days, I have been reading a biography of Dr. Carl McIntire entitled McIntire: Defender of Faith and Freedom. He […]

2016 Weekly No. 35

Preacher’s Chat Our Life is Like a Vapour Last Sunday, the nation was shocked that the Prime Minister was taken ill while giving his National Day Rally speech. I remember […]

2016 Weekly No. 34

CHASTE RELATIONSHIPS “. . . (intreat) the younger (women) as sisters, with all purity.” (1 Tim. 5:2b) We live in a world that is becoming increasingly tolerant of sexual promiscuity. […]

2016 Weekly No. 33

THE SEVENFOLD WILL OF GOD (V) The Decretive Will of God The decretive will of God is the mysterious mechanism that keeps the clock of the Sevenfold Will of God […]

2016 Weekly No. 32

SERVING IN KENYA (Testimony of the work in BCEA (Kenya) by Preacher James Tan) The thought of serving in the mission field, “unto the uttermost part of the earth” in […]