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2015 Weekly No. 27

THE PILLAR AND GROUND OF THE TRUTH Text: 1 Timothy 3:15b We thank God for a blessed 28th Thanksgiving Anniversary last Lord’s Day. Indeed, God has been merciful and gracious […]

2015 Weekly No. 26

Dearly Beloved Brethren and Friends, On 28th June 1987, Tabernacle BP Church had her inaugural first worship service in a warehouse industrial unit in Tampines. Initially we wanted to use […]

2015 Weekly No. 25

ARE YOU CHRIST’S SHEEP? Text: John 10:22-29 In Psalm 23, David the shepherd-king emphatically declared, “The LORD is my shepherd”. By confessing the LORD to be his Shepherd, he is […]

2015 Weekly No. 24

SHEPHERDS IN THE BIBLE The shepherd is one of the most prominent vocations and imageries in the Bible. The Old Testament term comes from the verb rā-āh, which means “to […]

2015 Weekly No. 23

“CHARLIE, CHARLIE?” The Charlie Charlie Challenge is a recent Internet sensation which has gripped many teenagers worldwide (The Straits Times, May 27, 2015). It is an Ouija-inspired game which involves […]

2015 Weekly No. 22

THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST An article I read recently claimed that the gospel should be known as the “gospel of the kingdom”, for “Jesus is not the gospel” but rather […]

2015 Weekly No. 21

THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD The doctrine of the Trinity is fundamental to the Christian faith. The doctrine states that there is only one living and true God. However, in […]

2015 Weekly No. 20

HISTORY OF FUNDAMENTALISM III The Seeds of Compromise (Adapted from article written by Pr. Ko Lingkang) For more than two hundred years since its establishment in 1716, the Presbyterian Church […]

2015 Weekly No. 19

Dear Readers, A MOTHER OF UNFEIGNED FAITH Today is “Mother’s Day” where the world commemorates the role of all mothers in the world. We value the mothers in our midst […]

2015 Weekly No. 18

Dear Readers, ENSLAVED BY SMARTPHONES? The smartphone is a popular gadget in modern Singapore. It is a common sight to see people staring at their phones as they travel on […]