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2015 Weekly No. 7

SOCIAL DRINKING FOR CHRISTIANS? Social drinking can be defined as “casual drinking in a social setting without the intent to get drunk.” (Wikipedia) The website observed that Singaporeans are […]

2015 Weekly No. 6

Dear Readers, THE GREAT COMMISSION OR THE GREAT OMISSION? Text: Matthew 28:18-20   “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and […]

2015 Weekly No. 5

Dear Readers, THE CHRISTIAN AND PSYCHOLOGY (III) A Biblical Critique of the Teachings of Modern Psychology (II) Abraham Maslow Evaluated Abraham Maslow was born on April 1, 1908, to Jewish […]

2015 Weekly No. 4

Dear Readers, THE CHRISTIAN AND PSYCHOLOGY (II) A Biblical Critique of the Teachings of Modern Psychology (I) As we have seen in the earlier section, the term “psychology” simply means […]

2015 Weekly No. 3

Dear Readers, THE CHRISTIAN AND PSYCHOLOGY (I) Psychology is one of the growing fields of studies in modern science. Its influence can be seen in daily life. When I was […]

2015 Weekly No. 2

Testimony of the Holy Land Pilgrimage As the boat sailed into the calm waters of the Sea of Galilee, seemingly a fitting end to the 13-day hectic but blessed pilgrimage […]

2015 Weekly No. 1

Dear Readers, CHRISTIANS MUST GROW! Text: 2 Peter 3:18 The new church theme for the year is Read, Pray and Grow. The exhortation to grow is based upon 2 Peter […]

2014 Weekly – 52/52

Dear Brethren, Remembering God’s Faithfulness in 2014 Today is the last Lord’s Day in 2014. What do you remember in 2014 as you come to the Lord’s House today? Is […]

2014 Weekly – 51/52

Dear Readers, WHY SEEK YE JESUS? Text: Matthew 2:1-12 A few years ago, I came across a sign outside Tangs Shopping Center which read, “Even Wise Men Seek Jesus”. This […]

2014 Weekly – 50/52

Dear Brethren, Below is the full-time calling testimony of Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo that he shared at Sunset Gospel Hour, Calvary Pandan BP Church, on 9 November 2014. I am […]