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2014 Weekly – 20/52

Dear Brethren, MH370 missing plane from 8 March 2014 till today with 239 passengers on board Sinking of Korea ferry on 16 April 2014 with more than 300 lives lost […]

2014 Weekly – 19/52

Dear Brethren and Friends, Today is Mother’s Day and we honour all mothers in our Church – for all the love they have given us, all the labour they have […]

2014 Weekly – 18/52

Dear Brethren, Tuesday Night Church Prayer Meeting I have been sharing the Names of God in the short exhortation in our Church Prayer Meeting. I would like to share with […]

2014 Weekly – 17/52

Dear Brethren, MH370 Plane Crash and Korea Ferry Capsize – What if you were a passenger? I am sure we are saddened by these 2 recent disasters in which more […]

2014 Weekly – 16/52

Dear Brethren, Our Hope in the Resurrected Christ “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen […]

Good Friday

Dear Brethren, When is Good Friday? Good Friday is the Friday immediately before Easter Sunday which is the day of the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Good […]

2014 Weekly – 15/52

Dear Brethren, Palm Sunday “And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way. And the […]

2014 Weekly – 14/52

Dear Brethren, Praise God for the new Church Van The Lord is good to provide us a new van with a new 10-year COE. Our old van has been scrapped […]

布道会 2014

笃信圣经长老会帐幕堂 布道会 讲题:耶稣医治被鬼附的人 日期:2014年 5月1日 (星期四) 时间:早晨10时30分 地点:笃信圣经长老会庇哩亚堂 (28 Petain Road, Singapore 208098) 基督教所信的耶稣到底是谁?耶稣教导了些什么,祂又作了些什么呢? 马可福音5章1-20节告诉我们耶稣在格拉森医治了被鬼附的人。耶稣是大有能力的,祂能医治病人,更重要的是,祂也能拯救罪人。我们诚意邀请您来参加此布道会,来听耶稣如何医治这被鬼附的人,也学习耶稣如何拯救罪人! 当天将有儿童节目,散会后也会有自助午餐,欢迎您来参加! 若需要接送,或有任何疑问,请联络黄泓豪弟兄:91852878。

2014 Weekly – 13/52

Dear Brethren and Friends, A warm welcome to Tabernacle BP Church Gospel Worship Service today. Thank you for taking your precious time to be with us and we want to […]