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2013 Weekly – 49/52

Dear Brethren, Writing a Will Many of us will begin to think of writing a will when we know our time on earth is nearing the end.  We want to […]

Gospel Worship Service / 福音主日

Tabernacle Bible-Presbyterian Church Gospel Worship Service Topic: For What Is Your Life? (James 4:14) Date: 29 December 2013 Time: 3:00 pm Venue: 694 Upper Changi Road East, Singapore 486824 “For what is […]

2013 Weekly – 48/52

Dear Brethren, The Charismatic Movement The Charismatic Movement has popularised tongue speaking in many Churches. The Mega Churches in Singapore are all Charismatic Churches.  The Charismatic movement is the catalyst […]

2013 Weekly – 47/52

Dear Brethren Today is Thanksgiving Sunday Our Church has a good tradition to set aside the 4th Sunday of November to commemorate thanksgiving. Countries such as United States and Canada […]

2013 Weekly – 46/52

Dear Brethren, I would like to share with you a short summary of each of the Book in the New Testament which I learned from Noah Quarshie’s book “Bird’s Eye […]

2013 Weekly – 45/52

Dear Brethren, Vacation Bible School (VBS) 16 November 2013 (Sat) Our Church will hold our 2nd VBS this year on 16 November 2013 (Sat) 9.30am to 5pm. Once again, we […]

2013 Weekly – 44/52

Dearly Beloved Brethren, The Year 2013 is coming to an end… Today we enter into the first Sunday of November 2013. In 2 months’ time, the year 2013 will draw […]

2013 Weekly – 43/52

Dear Brethren, The 16th Century Protestant Reformation We live in an age of forgetfulness and a pre-occupation with the trivia of life. Pleasure, fun, entertainment and secular interests have occupied […]

2013 Weekly – 42/52

Dear Brethren, All praise and thanks to God for a spiritually blessed mission trip to Nepal last week. The Lord is good to help and use me for His glory […]

2013 Weekly – 41/52

Dear Brethren, Waiting Patiently Upon The LORD “I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out […]