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2013 Weekly – 4/52

Dear Brethren, As we approach Chinese New Year, it is important for Christians to abstain from drinking to keep a good testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ. Most people think […]

2013 Weekly – 3/52

Dear Brethren, A Godly Ambition for 2013? With the start of a new year in 2013, we will make our plans and set our goals to move forward. There will […]

2013 Weekly – 2/52

Dear Brethren, Thank the Lord for opening doors to serve Him in mission trips in Myanmar, Kuching, Nias, Vietnam and Kemaman last year 2012.  The Lord has always moved the […]

2013 Weekly – 1/52

Dear Brethren, Blessed New Year 2013! Thank the Lord for leading us into the new year 2013. Today is the first Lord’s Day of the year 2013. By God’s grace […]

2012 Weekly – 53/53

Dear Brethren, A Biblical Duty to Remember Few of us would ever think of remembering as being a duty. This is especially so since forgetting seems to be so human. […]

2012 Weekly – 52/53

Dear Brethren and Friends, A popular occasion that is almost celebrated around the globe is none other than Christmas Day which generates much excitement, publicity and festivity. Sadly, few would […]

2012 Weekly – 51/53

Dear Friends, A warm welcome to Tabernacle BP Church Gospel Worship Service today! Thank you for taking your precious time to be with us and we want to assure you […]

2012 Weekly – 50/53

Dear Brethren, Next Sunday 16 December 2012 is our Gospel Worship Service at 3pm. We have been encouraging every member to bring your unbelieving friends to the Gospel worship service. […]

2012 Weekly – 49/53

Dear Brethren, It is December Month! The year 2012 will bid farewell to us very soon as we enter into its last month December. It is indeed a sobering reminder […]

2012 Weekly – 48/53

Dearly Beloved Brethren, Why Thanksgiving Sunday? We commemorate Thanksgiving Sunday today to follow the good tradition of the Pilgrims who left Plymouth, England, on September 6, 1620. Their destination? The […]