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2012 Weekly – 47/53

Dear Brethren, “Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me” Psalm 131:1. In […]

2012 Weekly – 46/53

Dear Brethren, Jesus, Friend of Children “And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw […]

2012 Weekly – 45/53

Dear Brethren, I would like to share this story that I came across which reminds us that only God knows how the future will unfold in our lives and we […]

2012 Weekly – 44/53

My Dear Brethren, Our Church commemorates Reformation Sunday today to remember the 16th century Protestant Reformation in which God raised several Reformers to preach and defend the truth of God’s […]

2012 Weekly – 43/53

Dear Brethren, In this weekly article, I want to share to you why our Church uses the King James Version Bible (also called the Authorised Version). The King James Bible […]

2012 Weekly – 42/53

Dear Brethren, The greatest revival in Church history must be the 16th Century Protestant Reformation which is best remembered on 31 October 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses […]

2012 Weekly – 41/53

Dear Brethren, We often asked ourselves this question “What does God want me to do?” during some crisis or turning points in our lives. Sometimes we become perplexed over what […]

2012 Weekly – 40/53

Dear Brethren, After attending the FEBC’s Golden Jubilee 50th Thanksgiving services last Friday and Sunday 21 and 23 September 2012, the memory of the late Rev. Dr. Timothy Tow filled […]

2012 Weekly – 39/53

Dear Brethren, “Without the Bible College, the Church would die!” These words were said by the late missionary to China and friend of Far Eastern Bible College (FEBC), Rev. Dr. […]

2012 Weekly – 38/53

Dear Brethren, Today I like to share with you about Kuching Calvary BP Church that I went to preach on 2 Sep after I came back from Kemaman on 1 […]