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2011 Weekly – 1/53

BLESSED NEW YEAR TO ALL!! Dear Brethren, Mersing Boat Tragedy “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, […]

2010 Weekly – 52/52

Dear Brethren and Friends, The True Meaning of Christmas The remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ is the sole reason for Christians to observe Christmas. The world has its […]

2010 Weekly – 51/52

Dearly Beloved Brethren, The greatest event of human history is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world. His life, death and resurrection have impacted billions of lives […]

2010 Weekly – 50/52

Dearly Beloved Brethren, Busy…Busy…Busy It has been a very hectic and busy period for me. Three weeks ago, we were at Kemaman mission trip and prior to that, preparations had […]

2010 Weekly – 49/52

‘And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ Acts 2:21 Dear brothers and sisters, while the messages of ‘Full Salvation’ […]

2010 Weekly – 48/52

Dearly Beloved Brethren, Today is our Thanksgiving Lord’s Day. It is in the tradition of our Church to set aside one Lord’s Day in each year to remind ourselves to […]

2010 Weekly – 47/52

Dearly beloved, Dr. Billy Graham was born in 1918 and was saved at the age of 16. He graduated from Wheaton College and began well when he was called to […]

2010 Weekly – 46/52

Dearly Beloved Brethren, The Bible Presbyterian (BP) Church in Singapore started 60 years ago in the year 1950. Our Church is Tabernacle Bible Presbyterian (BP) Church and each one of […]

2010 Weekly – 45/52

Dearly beloved, Thank the Lord for the 60th Anniversary Celebration of the B-P Movement at Calvary Pandan BP Church on the 24th of October 2010. The gathering of many like-minded […]

2010 Weekly – 44/52

Dear Brethren, The Great Protestant Reformation began on 31 October 1517. Since then, 493 years have passed and a lot of things have changed for Protestant churches today. Many Christians […]