Weekly Articles

2021 Weekly No.40

THE PASTOR AND HIS DUTY (III)The Pastor is Called to Defend the Flock In Psalm 23, the LORD is pictured as a shepherd who will defend His sheep with Hisrod […]

2021 Weekly No.39

THE PASTOR AND HIS DUTY (III)The Pastor is Called to LeadLeading by Modelling The chief way in which the pastor is to lead is to be the very example and […]

2021 Weekly No.38

THE PASTOR AND HIS DUTY (II)The Pastor is Called to Feed The Pastor Must Preach and Teach As seen in the last weekly, Ephesians 4:11 teaches us that the term […]

2021 Weekly No.37

THE PASTOR AND HIS DUTY (I) In the last weekly, we see how it is important that we should understand the nature of the pastor’swork and his faith (1 Thess. […]

2021 Weekly No.36

KNOW YOUR PASTORSBy Rev Prabhudas Koshy Reproduced from Vol. 5, Issue 1 of the Bible Witness Magazine Knowing their pastors is a biblical duty of all church members. In his […]

2021 Weekly No.35

A PASTOR’S JOY “The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. Beloved, I wish above allthings that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as […]

2021 Weekly No.34

TESTIMONIES OF COMBINED SHOMERIM-EBENEZERRETREAT 2021 We thank the Lord that the Ebenezer and Shomerim fellowship groups can hold an onlineretreat this year. This Combined Retreat is usually held once every […]

2021 Weekly No.33

MISSION REPORT – AUGUST 2021 (By Preacher James Tan)Matthew 6: 33-34 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall beadded unto you. […]

2021 Weekly No.32

NEVER A BURDEN!A Quick Word to Our Senior Brethren Recently, a senior Christian (about the age of my father), told me his loving concern that hedid not wish to be […]

2021 Weekly No.21

DAY BY DAY The recent surge in COVID-19 infections resulted in the government reinstating measures tocurb the transmission of the virus. The situation has become extremely unpredictable. This hasresulted in […]