Weekly Articles

2018 Weekly No.36

THE FEAR OF GOD (I) – WHAT IS THE FEAR OF GOD? (Synopsis of Message 1 of Tabernacle Bible Ladies’ Retreat 2018) It is sad that churches today seldom teach […]

2018 Weekly No.35

TESTIMONY OF DORCAS ANG (Life Bible-Presbyterian Church Weekly Vol. III No. 15, commentary Rev. Timothy Tow) I was called to speak at Tabernacle BPC’s 7th Anniversary last Lord’s Day. There […]

2018 Weekly No.34

THE LORD KNOWETH THE WAY OF THE RIGHTEOUS Text: Psalm 1:6a The LORD knows the ways of all men. Nothing is hidden from His eyes. He is omniscient (Psa. 147:5) […]

2018 Weekly No.33

MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Music has a unique quality to appeal to the senses of man. It is a powerful tool that can be utilised to convey and express ideas, […]

2018 Weekly No.32

A NEW SANCTUARY We moved into the Kabek Hall in the basement for our worship service last Sunday (05 Aug 2018). It is a newly renovated hall that can seat 120-150 […]

2018 Weekly No.31

LETTERS TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH (II) Text: Revelation 1:11-20 In the previous section we saw the Lord describe the seven churches of Asia as seven […]

2018 Weekly No.30

VIETNAM MISSION TRIP 3-7 July 2018 Testimony by sister Sarah Chng I went for this mission trip with the expectation that it was going to be like any other VBS […]

2018 Weekly No.29

RESOLVING MARITAL QUARRELS Courting couples usually look forward to married life with joyful expectations. They say in their hearts, “We are made for each other. O how wonderful it will […]

2018 Weekly No.28

PARTAKING THE LORD’S SUPPER Text: 1 Corinthians 11:23-30 The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was instituted just before the death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:26-28; Mark […]

2018 Weekly No.27

LETTERS TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH (I) Text: Revelation 1:11-20 The Church The term “church” is translated from the Greek noun ekklēsia. This Greek term is […]