Weekly Articles

2015 Weekly No. 12

Dear Readers, DISCOURAGED IN SERVICE? 1 Kings 19 Do you feel discouraged in your service? This can happen to any of the saints as he labours for the Lord. You […]

2015 Weekly No. 11

DOCTRINAL DISTINCTIVES OF THE B-P MOVEMENT (Reproduced from the Calvary Pandan BPC website, www.calvarypandan.sg) BIBLE-BASED The word “Bible” precedes the word “Presbyterian”, denoting the church’s firm stance on the Word […]

2015 Weekly No. 10

Dear Readers, THE GOD-HONOURING STUDENT “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 The context in the verse […]

2015 Weekly No. 9

MAJORITY IS ALWAYS RIGHT? “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” (Proverbs 11:14) “Majority is right!” This seems to be the […]

2015 Weekly No. 8

MAN’S HEADSHIP OF THE FAMILY (A Topical Message Delivered by Elder Choong Sin Chun on 4th February 2015 at Homiletics Class in the Far Eastern Bible College) The topic for […]

2015 Weekly No. 7

SOCIAL DRINKING FOR CHRISTIANS? Social drinking can be defined as “casual drinking in a social setting without the intent to get drunk.” (Wikipedia) The website alcoholrehab.com observed that Singaporeans are […]

2015 Weekly No. 6

Dear Readers, THE GREAT COMMISSION OR THE GREAT OMISSION? Text: Matthew 28:18-20   “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and […]

2015 Weekly No. 5

Dear Readers, THE CHRISTIAN AND PSYCHOLOGY (III) A Biblical Critique of the Teachings of Modern Psychology (II) Abraham Maslow Evaluated Abraham Maslow was born on April 1, 1908, to Jewish […]

2015 Weekly No. 4

Dear Readers, THE CHRISTIAN AND PSYCHOLOGY (II) A Biblical Critique of the Teachings of Modern Psychology (I) As we have seen in the earlier section, the term “psychology” simply means […]

2015 Weekly No. 3

Dear Readers, THE CHRISTIAN AND PSYCHOLOGY (I) Psychology is one of the growing fields of studies in modern science. Its influence can be seen in daily life. When I was […]