Church Camp 2023 Gospel of Jesus Christ (Click to know more) Tabernacle Bible-Presbyterian Church

2022 Weekly No.9

SPIRITUAL ANOSMIA Text: 1 Peter 2:3 – “If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” One of the symptoms of contracting COVID-19 is anosmia (i.e. the lossof […]

2022 Weekly No.8

THE LEAVEN OF NEW CALVINISM (V)New Calvinism and the Sign Gifts Another major issue of New Calvinism involves its deficient view concerning sign gifts. Whilesome of them are outwardly Charismatic, […]

2022 Weekly No.7

MAN PROPOSES, GOD DISPOSESMessage Delivered by Timothy Tow over SBC on12th January 1986 In spite of the recession and a forecast of zero growth this new year of1986, Singaporeans are […]

2022 Weekly No.6

THE LEAVEN OF NEW CALVINISM (IV)The New Calvinist View of Scripture Part III The New Calvinists’ Promotion of Textual Criticism The reason for the New Calvinist’s support for the English […]

2022 Weekly No.5

MISSIONS UPDATE JANUARY 2022By Preacher James Tan The Last Stretch of 2021We thank the Lord for helping us through the last 3 semesters (9 weeks each) of 2021.The college restarted […]

2022 Weekly No.4

THE DOCTRINE OF PROVIDENCE (II) As Taught By Frances TurretinExtracts and Abridgements from Frances Turretin’s Institutes of Elenctic Theology Providence and the hearts of men It is evident from the Scriptures […]

2022 Weekly No.3

THE DOCTRINE OF PROVIDENCE As Taught By Frances TurretinExtracts and Abridgements from Frances Turretin’s Institutes ofElenctic Theology Meaning of the word “providence” The word “providence” was called pronoia by the Greeks […]

2022 Weekly No.2

THE LEAVEN OF NEW CALVINISM (III) The New Calvinist View of Scripture Part II The New Calvinists’ Promotion of English Modern Translations In the past article, we have seen that despite […]

2022 Weekly No.1

NOT CORRUPTING THE WORD An Abstract from J C Ryle’s “Warnings to the Churches” with editionsOriginal sermon preached to a gathering of ministers in August 1858 “For we are not as […]

2021 Weekly No.52

THE LEAVEN OF NEW CALVINISM (II)The New Calvinist View of Scripture Part I The Holy Scripture is the foundation of the Christian’s faith. For a beneficial study of theology,one must […]