Church Camp 2023 Gospel of Jesus Christ (Click to know more) Tabernacle Bible-Presbyterian Church

2020 Weekly No.41

MUSIC IN REFORMATION: HISTORY AND THEOLOGY OF CONGREGATIONAL MUSIC (I) Joycelyn Chng Congregational singing is an element of corporate worship that many of us are familiar with. In fact, it […]

2020 Weekly No.40

A FAITH THAT SHINES Many of you will have heard of the afflictions of our dear sister Jinye (Lum Kum Yap). Despite her condition, she was still quick to serve […]

2020 Weekly No.39

PUTTING GOD FIRST IN MY LIFE? “I must put God first in my life… Please pray that God will be a priority in my life.” These are common statements that […]

2020 Weekly No.38

FELLOWSHIP GROUPS AND THEIR LEADERS Having considered the biblical pattern of church government in the previous three weeks, we now turn our attention to a major part of the church’s […]

2020 Weekly No.37

DEACONS AND THE CHURCH SESSION The office of the deacon in the local church is well-attested in the Holy Scriptures. Firstly, we see this office mentioned in 1 Timothy 3:8-13, […]

2020 Weekly No.36

THE BIBLE-PRESBYTERIAN SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE As we approach the church elections, it is a good time for us to understand the system of governance in Tabernacle BPC. This is a […]

2020 Weekly No.35

A TEAM OF LEADERS Text: Exodus 18:1-27 No man is an island in the service of the Lord. This principle holds true also for the leadership of the church. No […]

2020 Weekly No.34

CALVIN’S INSTITUTES IN A NUTSHELL (IV) An Abridgment of an Abridgement Based on the original work by Timothy Tow Summarised in the Editor’s Words Summary of Book I (Chapter XIII-XIV) […]

2020 Weekly No.33

CALVIN’S INSTITUTES IN A NUTSHELL (IV) An Abridgment of an Abridgement Based on the original work by Timothy Tow Summarised in the Editor’s Words Summary of Book I (Chapter X-XII) […]

2020 Weekly No.32

THE PATIENCE OF RUTH It was my privilege to speak to a fellowship of mothers from Calvary Pandan Bible-Presbyterian Church about a few days ago. The topic that was assigned […]