Church Camp 2023 Gospel of Jesus Christ (Click to know more) Tabernacle Bible-Presbyterian Church

2020 Weekly No.12

DRESSING IN THE CHURCH  We live in a time and age when it has become an oddity to talk about dressing even in conservative churches. Raise a voice about this […]

2020 Weekly No.11

MONEY CAN FLY The fallout from COVID-19 continues throughout the world. The recent spike in cases caused chaos and panic in the global economy. International markets are now in free […]

2020 Weekly No.10

UNCHANGEABLE SAVIOUR, UNCHANGEABLE WORD Text: Hebrews 13:8 The Hebrew Christians in Paul’s day were undergoing much persecution. As a result, many were discouraged and some were tempted to go back […]

2020 Weekly No.9

Dear Readers, As a young pastor learning to minister, I have made it a habit to read the writings of the late Rev. (Dr) Timothy Tow, the founding pastor of […]

2020 Weekly No.8

THE SEVENTY WEEKS OF DANIEL Text: Read Daniel 9, especially verses 24-27 The Adult Bible Study (ABS) is currently in the final lap of her study on Systematic Theology. The […]

2020 Weekly No.7

FEAR, GREED AND APATHY There is a saying that times of crisis reveal the character of a man. This recent coronavirus threat is one such time. Sadly, the picture is […]

2020 Weekly No.6

WHY THIS PESTILENCE? We had an eventful start to the new year. Firstly, we had wars and rumours of war with clashes between US and Iran. The hubris had barely […]

2020 Weekly No.5

A SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR (Review of Sermon Preached by Pastor on January 26, 2020) Text: Joshua 1:1-9 Last Sunday, we learnt how to have a successful new year from Joshua […]

2020 Weekly No.4

COMMEMORATING THE NEW YEAR Text: Exodus 12:1-30 We are now in the second day of the Chinese New Year. The Chinese typically commemorate the new year by wishing one another […]

2020 Weekly No.3

THE CHRISTIAN AND CHINESE NEW YEAR The Chinese New Year is coming very soon. Many of us will be observing this festive celebration, which is steeped in thousands of years […]