Church Camp 2023 Gospel of Jesus Christ (Click to know more) Tabernacle Bible-Presbyterian Church

2019 Weekly No.44

THE PILGRIM’S HELPText: Psalm 121The pilgrim’s journey to Jerusalem to attend the holy feast was not an easy one. Those were not the days of paved tar roads and highways. […]

2019 Weekly No.43

REFORMATION SUNDAYNot too long ago, I asked a group of teenagers whether they knew who Lee Kuan Yew was. To my dismay, I received empty stares. They did not know […]

2019 Weekly No.42

Short Devotions on the Pilgrim PsalmsTHE PILGRIM’S TONGUE(PSALM 120)The Pilgrim Psalms begin on a sombre note. The pilgrim’s journey towards the city of Jerusalem is anything but peaceful. Enemies lurk […]

2019 Weekly No.41

TESTIMONIES for the visit to Zhengzhou. For those interested in the article, please contact the church session.

2019 Weekly No.40

THE PILGRIM PSALMSAs a prelude to the church camp on Strangers and Pilgrims, we will begin a series of short studies on the Songs of Degrees (Psalms 120-134). The term […]

2019 Weekly No.39

Testimonies for Ladies’ Bible Retreat 2019Hannah YeowI thank God that I was able to attend the Tabernacle Ladies’ Bible Retreat. Before attending the camp, I did not expect myself to […]

2019 Weekly No.38

DEVOTIONS FROM 2 CORINTHIANSBEWARE OF DECEITText: 2 Corinthians 11:3-4; Genesis 3:1-7The insidious attacks on Paul’s character revealed one big issue plaguing the Corinthian Church – there were false teachers and […]

2019 Weekly No.37

DEVOTIONS FROM 2 CORINTHIANSWORLDLY OR SPIRITUAL CRITERIA?Text: 2 Corinthians 10:7-11; John 7:24One of the accusations levelled against Paul by his opposers was that of a weak appearance. While they admitted […]

2019 Weekly No.36

AN UPDATE FROM KENYA (AUGUST 2019)(Report by Preacher James Tan)Thank God for helping us throughout this year, and for the past two semesters. We apologise for the lack of updates, […]

2019 Weekly No.35

DEVOTIONS FROM 2 CORINTHIANSCARNAL OF SPIRITUAL WEAPONS?Text: 2 Corinthians 10:1-6; Ephesians 6:10-20 Even though we live on this earth in a physical body, the battle we wage as Christians is […]