Church Camp 2023 Gospel of Jesus Christ (Click to know more) Tabernacle Bible-Presbyterian Church

2016 Weekly No. 21

THE DANGERS OF MODERN ENGLISH VERSIONS (II) Inferior Translators The next reason why Modern English Versions (MEVs) are dangerous lies in the qualifications of the translators. Many of these translators […]

2016 Weekly No. 20

TESTIMONY of brother Li Yahui I was brought up in a Christian family. Though I went to church with my parents, God was just someone whom I knew as the God […]

2016 Weekly No. 19

MYANMAR MISSION TRIP TESTIMONY (9-14 April 2016) Testimony by Elder John Leong Each year by the grace of God, we will plan to go on a few mission trips to […]

2016 Weekly No. 18

“OF WHOM THE WORLD WAS NOT WORTHY” Hebrews 13:8a “And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, they were sawn […]

2016 Weekly No. 17

THE DANGERS OF MODERN ENGLISH VERSIONS (I) For 400 years, the King James Version (KJV) was the undisputed Bible translation of the English-speaking world. However, the Christian world today is […]

2016 Weekly No. 16

THE BIBLE-PRESBYTERIAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT There are three major forms of church government in Christianity today, namely, Episcopal, Congregational and Presbyterian. Some may adopt a hybrid of these systems, but […]

2016 Weekly No. 15

TESTIMONY for the Church Bible Seminar 19 March 2016 by Wee Bo Hao Thank God for the English Bible Seminar held on 19 March 2016 on “The Theology of Giving”. Rev […]

2016 Weekly No. 14

10TH THANKSGIVING ANNIVERSARY MANDARIN WORSHIP SERVICE Praise and thanks be to our loving and merciful God, who has found each and every one of His sheep in His own good […]

2016 Weekly No. 13

TESTIMONY by Tham Huilin, Cheryl Life before knowing Christ I had been living in my paternal grandmother’s house since birth until up-per primary school. My paternal grandmother and aunties brought […]

2016 Weekly No. 12

WHY DEUTERONOMY? Text: Deuteronomy 1:1-8 The title in our English Bible comes from the Greek word Deuteronomion, which means “second law”. Some allege that it is an unfitting title as […]