English Bible Seminar 2020 – How to Study the Bible (I) – The Prerequisites.
Pastor Clement Chew

1 How to Study the Bible (I) – The Prerequisites (1)
2 How to Study the Bible (I) – The Prerequisites (2)


English Bible Seminar 2019 – Legacy of the Singapore Bible-Presbyterian Movement
Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo

1 Legacy of the Singapore Bible-Presbyterian Movement (1)
2 Legacy of the Singapore Bible-Presbyterian Movement (2)


English Bible Seminar 2017 – Interpreting Prophecy
Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew

1 Interpreting Prophecy (1)
2 Interpreting Prophecy (2)


English Bible Seminar 2016 – Theology of Giving
Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew

1 The First Gift (Romans 12:1-2)
2 The Way to Give (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)


English Bible Seminar 2013 – Charismatism
Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo

1 Charismatism (1) Notes
2 Charismatism (2)
Charismatism Q & A
The book “Charismatism Q & A” by Rev Dr Jeffrey Khoo is available at FEBC website.