2023 – ‘ Loving God with My All’
Theme Messages by Pastor Clement Chew
1 God Is Love
2 God Loves You
3 The Great Commandment of Love
4 Love Demands Obedience
5 Love Your Neighbour
  Night Messages by Preacher James Tan
1 What is Love? (I)
2 What is Love? (II)
  Opening Prayer Meeting by Pastor Clement Chew
1 We must love!
Morning Devotions by Preacher Maritus
1 The Cost of Love
2 To Love is to Forgive
3 Love Not the World
2022 – ‘Receiving Gods Word’
Theme Messages by Pastor Clement Chew
(The audio recordings for 2022 are quite distorted)
1 What Word are Your Receiving? (1) Man’s Word or God’s Word?
2 What Word are Your Receiving? (2) The Everlasting Word?
3 What Word are Your Receiving? (3) The Translated Word?
4 Teach to Receive
5 Ask and Receive
6 Fail to Receive
7 Impact When We Receive
8 Receive to Live
  Workshop by Preacher Maritus
1 Our Quiet Time: How to have a Meaningful and Profitable Quiet Time (1)
2 Our Quiet Time: How to have a Meaningful and Profitable Quiet Time (2)
Morning Devotions by Preacher James Tan
1 The Burdens of a Godly Man (1)
2 The Burdens of a Godly Man (2)
3 The Burdens of a Godly Man (3)
2021 – ‘The Coming Of The Lord Draweth Nigh’
Theme Messages by Pastor Clement Chew
(The audio recordings for 2021 are quite distorted.
Please kindly contact the PA Team if you want the recordings)
1 The Purpose of Christ’s Coming
2 The Imminency of Christ’s Coming
3 The Signs of Christ’s Coming
4 The Timeline of Christ’s Coming
5 Our Response to Christ’s Coming (I)
6 Our Response to Christ’s Coming (II)
Workshop – Unity In Service
2020 – ‘ God’s Church, God’s Family’
Theme Messages by Pastor Clement Chew
The Church Prays Together
1 What is the Church?
2 The Unity of the Church
3 The Building of the Church
4 Members One of Another
5 Knowing the Leaders
6 Knowing the Labourers
2019 – ‘Strangers and Pilgrims on the Earth’
Theme Messages by Pastor Clement Chew
The Pilgrim’s Intercessor
1 Wanderers or Pilgrims?
2 The Pilgrim’s Fear
3 The Pilgrim’s Witness
4 The Pilgrim’s Body
5 The Pilgrim’s Struggle
6 The Pilgrim’s Home
Workshop by Preacher James Tan
1 Lesser Known Martyrs
Morning Devotions by Preacher James Tan
1 The Carnal Man & His Earthly Ways
2 Our Earthly Endeavours 
3 The Heavenly Test
2018 – ‘Revive Thy Church O Lord’
Theme Messages by Rev Joseph Poon
1 The Fierceness and Favour of God
2 The Cause of God’s Anger
3 The Cry for Revival
4 The Cost of Revival
5 The Results of Revival
6 The Purpose of Revival
Message Notes/Questions
Morning Devotions by Pastor Clement Chew
1 The Honoured Servant – The Requirement
2 The Honoured Servant – His Destination
3 The Honoured Servant – His Honour
2017 – ‘Holding Forth the Word of Life’
Theme Messages by Preacher Clement Chew
1 Holding Forth in the Gospel Work
2 Holding Forth Amid Tribulation
3 Holding Forth With the Same Mind (I)
4 Holding Forth With the Same Mind (II)
5 Holding Forth in Spiritual Knowledge
6 Holding Forth in Spiritual Progress
7 Holding Forth in Unity
8 Holding Forth in Sacrifice
9 Question & Answer
Morning Devotions by Preacher James Tan
1 The Missionary Servant
2 The Missionary Shepherd
3 The Missionary Service
2016 – ‘Looking for that Blessed Hope’
Theme Messages by Rev Dr Quek Suan Yew
1 Requires Godly Leaders
2 Requires Rebuke
3 Requires Sound Doctrine
4 Requires Sound Mind
5 Requires Sound Service
6 Requires a Holy Life
7 Requires Patient Witnessing
8 Requires Salvation
9 Requires Good Works
10 Choosing Your Master
Morning Devotions by Preacher Clement Chew
1 He Does the Will of God
2 He is Ready for Christ’s Coming
3 He is a Faithful Servant
2015 – ‘Christ, Head Of The Church’
Theme Messages by Rev Paul Cheng
1 Christ is Over All
2 Walk Worthy Of Your Calling
3 Walk In Unity
4 God’s Gift To The Church
5 Building The Church – Spiritual Leaders
6 Building The Church – Growing Christians
7 Evidences Of The Old Man
8 Evidences Of The New Man (1) (recording is incomplete)
9 Evidences Of The New Man (2)
10 Serving God With An Undivided Heart (recording is incomplete)
Morning Devotions by Preacher Clement Chew
1 The Backslider Described
2 The Backslider Chastised
3 Restoring The Backslider
Workshop by Rev Paul Cheng
1 The Beauty Of The Word
2014 – ‘Effectual Fervent Prayer’
Theme Messages by Preacher Joshua Yong
1 Effectual Fervent Prayer
2 Power in Prayer #1
3 Power in Prayer #2
4 Hindrances to Prayer
5 God Answers Prayer #1
6 God Answers Prayer #2
7 Knowing that God Knows
8 Lord, Teach Us to Pray #1
9 Lord, Teach Us to Pray #2
10 Our Confidence in Prayer
Morning Devotions by Preacher Clement Chew
1 The Man who Prayed Unceasingly
2 The Man who Interceded
3 The Man who Prayed Imprecations