Dear Brethren,

Thank the Lord for opening doors to serve Him in mission trips in Myanmar, Kuching, Nias, Vietnam and Kemaman last year 2012.  The Lord has always moved the hearts of members to go in each trip. Amazingly, the Lord ensured the right gifts in every mission team so that the VBS or camp was run smoothly.  God willing, there will be opportunities to serve the Lord in mission again this year. Will you be willing to go?

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me” Isaiah 6:8

I would like to share 4 lessons that I observed and learned in my mission trips. May it encourage you to be willing to go and serve God in mission trip too.

1. God is Sovereign and Mighty in His Works and His People are everywhere

God is not just the God of Tabernacle BP Church lest we should limit our God in His work and power. God’s saving grace and power are seen everywhere in this world and He has His people to serve Him even in remote villages. Sometimes I wonder in a village, without electricity and water, and with great difficulty of access, and yet wonder of wonders that Christians are there and they are worshipping the Lord and preaching the Gospel to their fellow villagers. And God must have, in time past, moved a missionary or a Christian to be willing to travel to this remote village to preach the Gospel and God’s grace has saved them marvelously.

2. We are not alone in the Christian Battle for the Lord

Tabernacle BP Church is not the only church fighting the Lord’s battle lest our thoughts become so narrow and we may be discouraged thinking we are alone. We can take heart that there are brethren who love the Lord and His Word in all parts of the world and are on the Lord’s side fighting the Christian battle against apostasy and worldly influences. Yes, we are in the minority but God has raised His remnants in every part of the world to be His witness for the truth. Praise God that we can see God’s witnesses in every part of the world.

3. We are actually doing very little for the Lord in Church

It is easy to be complacent, and even to be proud, to think we are doing a lot in Tabernacle BP Church and our Church has many areas of service. I am humbled often to see the great amount of labour and service for the Lord in mission stations which do not have resources and people that we have here in our Church. Yet, the brethren strive on, work hard and are much more committed in the work of the Lord and in the study of the Bible. Truly, there is much to learn from the brethren in the mission stations and I am actually much more blessed by them than they are by my visit. Let us strive to serve the Lord even more this new year 2013 and always abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Cor 15:58).

4. God’s Grace and Presence is with us at every Mission Trip

This is my personal testimony that I have always seen God’s leading and provision in every mission trip we go for Him. Often we went with fear, little experience in mission, not knowing what to expect, but God has never failed us and His grace is always all sufficient for us. Every trip is a milestone and memorial for me to remember God’s goodness and grace. These have become my encouragement and strength in times of trials in life that God will never fail me. All praise to His Name! You too can learn and experience the grace and help from God if you go for a mission trip.

Elder John Leong