Dear Brethren,

“The LORD hath done great things for us: whereof we are glad.” Psalm 126:3

Calvary Kuching BP Church Camp

Thank the Lord for leading 4 of us to organise the Calvary Kuching BP Church on 11-12 May 2013. By the grace of God, this was the 4th year we organized the camp for them since 2010. I still remembered the first time in 2010 when the Church camp proposal was shared that everyone was filled with fear and uncertainty if it could be done or not. We wanted the camp to be evangelistic for the Church members to bring in new friends. By God’s grace and trusting God in constant prayers, there were always new friends to join the camp and each camp was filled with God’s blessings and spiritual renewal.

Prior to this year camp in Kuching, the Church was going through a difficult time with disappointed and sadness as 2 families have recently left the Church. Kuching Church is already a small Church of 5 families and 1 sister. Can you imagine 2 families not attending out of 5 families? A week before the camp, I was informed one of the families who left the Church has agreed to join the camp. We were so happy and rejoicing. When we arrived on Friday 10 May 2013, this family suddenly changed their mind at the last minute not to attend the camp. Then there was one family whose younger son was not able to join us for the camp. I was looking forward to fellowship and encourage him spiritually. We were all disappointed and wondered how the Lord would help and lead us through this camp.

When we arrived at the camp venue on 11 May 2013, as there were extra rooms booked, I wanted to ask for a refund to return some rooms. But this was not possible. I thought money would be wasted as some rooms were not utilized. When all the campers arrived and we were about to start the camp programme, one brother shared that 2 new families with 4 children are coming soon to join the camp. Praise the Lord! How marvellous is God’s way and all the rooms were not wasted. Thank God that the receptionist rejected my request to return some rooms to them.

The camp theme was taken from Matthew 16:24, “Deny Yourself, Take Up Your Cross, and Follow Me”. By God’s grace, I preached 3 messages in Mandarin and encouraged the campers to be faithful and true followers of Jesus. Discipleship is costly and we must be prepared and ready to pay the price. Brother Hong Hao was the children speaker. Thank God that the children related well with him and could understand the Word of God clearly. Sister Meijie led in the art & craft for the children, With 4 new children that came unexpectedly, there were a total of 7 children. The Lord gave sister Meijie the wisdom to come out with suitable materials for all the children though she prepared only for 3 children.

We marvel to see the good Hand of the Lord to bless the camp spiritually and to provide every need each step of the way. Indeed the Lord has done great things! On Monday night 13 May in the Church Prayer meeting, every Church member came and also the 2 new families with their children. More amazingly one of the families who recently left the Church also came for this Prayer meeting. The Lord is the One who moved the hearts to come.  With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Let us learn to trust and commit all things to God in life and in all our areas of service. Let God work in and through us for the glory of His Name.

Elder John Leong