Dear Brethren,

Christians know it is our duty as well as our expression of our love for our Lord Jesus Christ that we come to God’s house every Lord’s day to worship Him. Worship is so important because we will spend all eternity in worship of our true and living God. We have to constantly strive to improve in our worship of God to please Him and also to worship God in the right manner according to His Word. It is easy to slack to routine and complacency in worship which will not edify our spiritual lives. This can be easily seen when we are irregular in Church worship, or find excuses not to come, or come late for worship or sleep and daydream in worship.

Children will observe their parents if they set good Christian example in their worship of God. If parents are not good role model in true and sincere worship of God, it is not surprising to find their children growing up to take Church worship for granted and even to forsake it one day.

I would like to share some fundamental questions and answers about “Worship”. Let us be reminded of the teachings of God’s Word and seek to be doers of the Word.

Who is the Person that we worship?

A simple question and all of us can give the correct answer “God”. However, we often focus on ourselves in worship to want only our needs to be met. Some focus on their children to make sure they are attended to while others focus on friends to talk to. In true worship, we must give our full and wholehearted focus and attention on our Lord Jesus Christ only.

“Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” Psalm 29:2

Why do we worship God?

The word “Worship” has the meaning of “Worth”. We worship God because He is worthy of it. Only our God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Only our God gives us eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. Only our God can forgive our sins. Only our God cares and protects our lives.

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:” Revelation 4:11a

How do we worship God?

We worship God in Spirit and in Truth. In “Spirit” means we worship God from our heart sincerely, fervently and joyfully. In “Truth” means we worship God according to His Word and not what we think is pleasing and entertaining to ourselves.

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24

What must we do to worship God acceptably?

1. Preparations

  • Praying throughout the week for the Lord’s Day worship
  • Having sufficient rest to be alert during the worship service
  • Come early, at least 15 minutes, before the worship service starts. Punctuality honours the Lord and gives us ample time to pray and quieten our spirit for worship. Lateness is a failure on our part to keep our holy appointment with God and it also disrupts other worshippers.

“O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee:” Psalm 63:1a

2. Worship Time

  • Sing unto the Lord from our hearts and let our voices be raised to praise His Name. Understand the meaning of the words of the hymns that we sing.
  • Pray together in your heart with the prayers led by the Chairman and Speaker. Say “Amen” together to show unity as one Body in Christ seeking the Lord.
  • Give our tithes and offerings cheerfully and prepare our gifts early.
  • The Word of God is the highest point in worship and we must give all attention to it and let God speak to us. No one should be sleeping during message as it dishonours God and shows our little regard for His Word.

“I will praise Thee with my whole heart:” Psalm 138:1a

We have many areas to improve in our worship of God. May the Lord forgive our sins in our failure to worship Him acceptably. Let us pray and strive by God’s grace to worship the Lord better and better in each Lord’s Day till the day we reach our Heavenly Home where we will enjoy perfect worship of God.

Elder John Leong