Testimony by Sister Zhao Yan Min for Believers’ Baptism

In 2018, my mother and older brother passed away one after the other and this caused me to sink in deep grief and pain. My daughter was worried for  my health and thus, brought me over to stay in Singapore permanently. In order to distract me from thinking too much of my loved ones, she  encouraged me to read the Bible, to listen to God’s Word and brought me to worship services. However, after going to a few churches, they were all unsuitable and hence, I gave up. It was not till May this year, that I received a tract from Tabernacle Bible-Presbyterian Church. I came for the worship service, and was deeply moved by the atmosphere and order of worship, and in particular, the memory verse for June, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul” (1 Pet 2:11). I was very touched, and this ameliorated the anxiety I had after losing my loved ones. Thank God for His leading.

The brethren in church are welcoming, friendly and full of joy. The younger believers respect the elderly and care for the young. They are also very helpful. The Sunday School after the worship service and monthly Scripture memory verse spur me to study the Bible by myself. At the Basic Bible Class, through the explanation of Elder Leong, I understand that God created the universe and all mankind. God is eternal, unchangeable, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. God sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to the world, was crucified on the cross to redeem man from their sins and was resurrected three days later. I was deeply moved by God’s love. I have decided to trust in Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour, and also to receive water baptism. Amen.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Testimony by sister Lena Ong Peck Lan for Believers’ Baptism

I have found happiness after I came here because I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. God will be there as I need Him. He provides for me food and a home. I want to be baptized, to obey God’s Word. Thank you God.

Testimony by sister Lee Kui Thai for Transfer of Membership

Thank God for His great love, for preserving me and leading me when I was young. I grew up in a small town called Kota Tinggi, Johor. At that time, an Elder from Singapore named Elder Fan bought a piece of land there and founded a mission station, which was near my home. Every Sunday, after serving in Singapore, Elder and Mrs Fan, together with their daughter, would drive to Kota Tinggi to evangelise. Whenever they saw my parents, they would evangelise to them. At times, they would come to my home to preach of salvation by Jesus Christ and would also invite my parents to bring us (I have one older brother and one older sister) to church to hear the gospel. Their daughter was my Sunday School teacher.

Thank God for His mercies, my parents finally brought all of us to receive water baptism together, becoming the children of God. And as children, we attended Sunday School, youth fellowship, and young adults fellowship, I finally grew up.

I got my father’s approval to leave home and to work in Singapore. I was just a lukewarm believer then. Later on, as I had to work on Sundays, I stopped going to church for a very long period of time. Looking back at those days, when I just arrived in Singapore to work and had to apply for work permit, I faced many trials and difficulties in my work and accommodation. Thank God for His grace, I did not give up, and eventually passed an exam to receive a technical certificate issued by the Singapore government. I also applied for Permanent Residency. Thank God, it is much more convenient with this blue IC. I did sewing at my home, and often heard the voice in my heart telling me to return to church. With the leading of one sister, I finally returned to the home which I yearned for, (church).

One and a half years ago, a few brethren and I left the church where we originally attended. After visiting a few churches’ gatherings, I found that none of them felt like home. Later, I received Tabernacle BPC’s church tract. I read the gospel message on the tract carefully twice, and was moved within my heart. I told myself, I must visit Tabernacle BPC. Thus I came, and my first impression of Tabernacle was that though the numbers were few, it was a very warm church. Singing was done using the traditional hymnal, which brings me back to my childhood days at the mission station. I told myself I must come again the next Sunday. And hence I came, Sunday after Sunday, until today. Thank God that when I was troubled over finding a church, I received Tabernacle BPC’s tract. This is God’s providence, and also my blessing. Today I become a member of Tabernacle, this is also God’s will, thank God who loves me .

Through the pastoral care of Pastor Clement, Elder John and Preacher Yahui, I learnt much from the Bible. I am thankful to the brethren for their love and labour, and today I am filled with joy to celebrate our Lord’s birth together. In the years ahead, may we press toward the mark together. May all glory be to God. Praise the Lord.

Testimony by brother David Chee for Transfer of Membership

“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:” (Eph 4:14-15).

As the head of the household, it has always been my priority to do my best for the family and that means to primarily prioritise their spiritual well-being. This can only be achieved in a church that focuses on raising up disciples of Christ and not just believers. For I am now convinced that Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, that no activity is and should be more important than knowing God’s Word.

Due to certain circumstances, I believe God revealed impacting truths that caused me to make this tough decision of leaving our previous church so quickly. It was really tough because Dorothy and I were in our church for about 16 years.

I knew we had to leave but where to?

Thank God that the door to Tabernacle was opened through the 2018 June
Children’s Camp. One of my main concerns was my children, especially Summer. When told of the decision to leave, she was upset and adamant that she will not leave and that we should get her Grandma to continue to bring her to her previous church. It was clearly after the Children’s Camp that her tone changed quite a bit and I thank God that she with Daniel and Charlotte have now settled well at Tabernacle. Praise the Lord!

We are thankful for the welcome we have received and may our gracious Heavenly father lead us as we continue this exciting journey in Christ
with Tabernacle.

Testimony by sister Dorothy Lee for Transfer of Membership

Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

The Lord graciously brought me to His saving knowledge during my JC years through Yu Jie, my best buddy. Back then, I had to travel for close to 2 hours to reach Calvary Pandan BPC every Sunday morning. In His good and perfect time, the Lord led me to another church after some years of strong foundation in His Word in Calvary. Indeed, Ecc 3:1, “to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”. It was in my previous church, that my brother, parents and grandmother came to the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, David and I met and I literally grew there.

Back to when I knew David was the man He has prepared for me, I often wondered when will I be back to a BP church since I was to marry this man who dislike ‘slow music’. David once jokingly said he probably will when he is much older. Regardless, I knew in my heart someday I will be back but the question is when and how. I just could not figure this out until this day became a reality when David said “we (our family) have to move”.

The Lord in His most wondrous way moved David’s heart through certain circumstances. Even right up to the last Lord’s day in my previous church, I could not believe we were leaving. It was with a heavy heart but I know the Lord will lead us by His almighty hands. I had the affirmation deep down that it was the season to move when David suggested Yu Jie’s church. I then texted Yu Jie for the time and address and the very next Lord’s Day we appeared. Soon after, as we were praying and seeking the Lord for confirmation, we had one when our children began to settle in well through VBS and the year-end church camp.

We are thankful to our gracious Heavenly Father for leading my family through every season in our lives. To God be the glory!