Testimony of Chua Ding En

God has given me this long journey in preparing for my eventual baptism.
My first interaction with Christ was when I was in Secondary One in Anglican High
School. Being a student over there, I’ve attended many biblical classes, camps and
activities and eventually finding myself in the faith after O Levels. Across the years since,
attending Junior College, serving National Service and completing university at SMU,
struggles with life and the faith were aplenty.

But through God’s mercy and love, He has guided me to overcome the
different challenges I’ve faced and brought me safely to my baptism.
Timely enough, 2023 will be my 13th year in the faith and the 26th year
of my God-given life in this world. Signifying an important half-of-my
-life milestone to begin my adulthood, it does seem like God has
prepared this time for me to be baptised.

And during this long ‘preparation’ phase, I saw how God has molded
me into who I am today, through the troubles and challenges that have
come my way in life so far. That no matter how many times I’ve
doubted, He was always there to guide me back to His presence and

“And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with
tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” Mark 9:24

I pray for those who are also struggling within, to seek peace and
comfort in the Lord, to overcome your ‘unbelief’.

Thank you to the brethren in Tabernacle Bible-Presbyterian church for
receiving and guiding me the past year and I pray that we would be
able to continue to grow stronger in this faith, in His love, and in His
time together.

Testimony of Ho Hin Wing, Douglas

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I wish to begin by saying
that my testimony is not a story of a newly converted believer. I have
been following Christ for 55 years. The testimony of my Christian life is not an
unchanging story but an on-going evidence of my saving faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ. My desire is to grow closer to Christ and to continue to
experience life with Him as my life is no longer my own since I gave it
to the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone’s testimony of coming to Christ is
different and unique. It makes mine special and yours too.

My first contact with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ was at the age
of 14. My neighbor had invited me to join him at the youth meeting in
a church in Queenstown. Through the gospel of Christ, it gave me the
knowledge of my sinful state which weighed heavily upon my
conscience. I received the Lord Jesus Christ and acknowledged
everything which Christ has done for me. However, the believer’s life
is not a bed of roses but is strewn with trials and temptations. My
National Service in 1971 was a turning away from the Lord to my old
ways. I went deeper and deeper in sin. My spiritual wilderness
wandering was for a decade and indeed, I realized that the true church
of Jesus Christ is a green pasture. “He maketh me to lie down in green
pastures, He leadeth me beside the still waters.” It is indeed God’s
goodness that Elizabeth and I by way of transfer of membership are
able to come back to Tabernacle B-P Church, that we may serve
together with the leaders and brethren to further the cause of Christ and
the kingdom of God for His glory. To God be the glory.

Testimony of Tan Mee Chin, Elizabeth

I greet everyone in Tabernacle BPC in Christ’s holy name. Although
I was born in an idol- worshipping family. I never gave myself to
idolatrous worship. At a young age, I regarded the God of the Bible
to be the living and true God of the universe. During my secondary
school days, I attended a student church programme in a
neighborhood Methodist Church in Queenstown. The messages in
the youth meetings led me to know and to accept the Lord Jesus
Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Ephesian 2:8- 9, “For by
grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is
the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast.” I wish to
thank the Lord for His mercy and grace and it is indeed His
goodness which has led us back to Tabernacle BPC. Amen.