Testimony of Chee Le Xuan, Summer

I heard about Christ since young as I was born in a Christian
family. I grew up in a Methodist church and they used the New
International Version (NIV) of the Bible and sang newer songs
that involved drums and bass guitars. As I was still young, I took
the Bible lessons lightly. I went to church to have fun and play

When I started attending Tabernacle Bible-Presbyterian Church, I
was not used to the long sermons and traditional hymns that were
sung. However, with time, I became more familiar with the
messages and hymns. I was able to focus better and to write notes
so that I do not forget what I have learnt. This helped me to
realise that I am a sinner and my need for the Lord Jesus Christ. I
began to believe in Christ and saw my life change.

One lesson I recalled from Little Ark was about Job. Job was a rich man with many
children. Although God allowed Satan to take away his possessions, children and
health, he refused to blame God and remained faithful to Him. Job passed God’s test.
He received health, wealth and another 10 children from God again. He lived a further
140 years. I learnt from Job that no matter what trials I go through, I can depend on
God rather than complaining. The tests God gives me are to increase my faith and help
me to mature.

I also learnt that this world is not my home and I am just a stranger. If I am a friend of
the world, I cannot be a friend of God. Likewise if I am a friend of God, the world
would treat me like a stranger.

God helped me when I was sitting for the PSLE Mathematics paper. There was a
question that was challenging and I could not solve it. So I prayed a quick prayer to
God and I could immediately solve that question. It gave me assurance that God was
with me through the difficult tests that I face and He will help me when I pray to Him.

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.In every thing give thanks: for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thess. 5:16-18) This is a reminder to
rejoice rather than complaining in tough times. I must look to God first, and not man.
Man may give you bad advice, but God will always have a perfect plan for me.

Even as I reaffirm my faith, I know that I am not perfect. I am just a sinner. However, I
hope to grow and be a good testimony to those around me.