Synopsis of Seminar Conducted by Pastor at the Bible College of East Africa, Tanzania 5th September 2024

Text: 2 Corinthians 2:12-17

Victory in the Work of the Gospel

The ministry of the gospel, says Paul, is a triumphant ministry. The word “triumph” (thriambeuo) in verse 14 invokes the picture of a Roman victory procession when a general returns from war with his army. Christ here is the Commander-in-Chief who leads the missionary team of Paul and his associates to victory. With Christ as the Leader in their labours, they will not fail.

It was also common in the triumph procession for garlands of flowers to be placed along the route. This is accompanied by the burning of incense and spices. This fragrance would then spread so that people could smell the aroma from afar.

The preaching of the gospel of Paul and his associates is thus likened to this fragrance. Wherever they went, the savour of the gospel would accompany them. “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” (Rom 10:15b).

Preachers of the gospel must never underestimate the nobility of the task which the Lord has set before us. No message on earth can rival the power of the gospel – “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16) When we lose sight of this truth, our witness becomes feeble, and we may be tempted to add to the gospel, or use the arm of the flesh to do the gospel work. This leads to the corruption of the gospel and the gospel work which we will soon examine in due course.

There are also Christians who do not believe that the preaching of the gospel is a most noble and sweet task. Thus, they do not pray that the Lord would raise and thrust out gospel labourers into the harvest fields (c.f. Matthew 9:38; Luke 10:2). When their children talk about a desire to devote their lives to be preachers of the gospel, they discourage them and point them in the opposite direction. Is there little wonder that the labourers are always so few? That is because we do not pray earnestly for God to raise labourers for the gospel work. And we do not pray for these labourers because we have lost sight of the beauty and sweetness of the gospel and its work.

Now you may say, if the preaching of the gospel is such a victorious ministry, why are there differing results whenever the gospel is preached? Despite the faithful preaching of God’s Word, why are there so few who will truly believe? Paul continues to explain that not everyone in a victory ceremony will find the sweet aroma “platable”. For those who are on the victor’s side, the aroma is understandably sweet. On the other hand, the prisoners-of-war who are due to be executed will find the aroma to be a “scent of death.” Thus, we must come to expect two different reactions to the preaching of the gospel. Those who are saved are those who received the gospel in faith. For such, the gospel fragrance is truly sweet. However, those who reject the gospel will perish. To them, the gospel is but the odour of death. Dear friends, what is the savour of God’s Word to you? 

The preaching of God’s Word has two functions as taught in Matthew 13:14-17 – (1) to conceal and condemn (v.14-15) and (2) to reveal and bless. God’s Word will never return unto Him void, but it shall accomplish that which pleases the Lord, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto the Lord has sent it (Isa. 55:11). The increase is of the Lord. Let there be no jealous comparisons between faithful preachers of God’s Word, for we are all co-labourers in the Lord’s vineyard. The Apostle Paul did not serve alone in his missionary journeys – he had other co-labourers with him in the work. Moreover, while Paul was on his missionary journey, the work of the gospel was still continuing in places where Paul was not present. No man can do the work of the gospel alone – “And who is sufficient for these things?” (v.16) Who then is our help in this ministry? It is the Holy Spirit, for salvation is of the Lord. And he has also provided fellow labourers to work alongside us so that the work of the gospel may progress to the glory of Christ.

We are fighting a spiritual battle in the labour of the gospel. The gospel has the power to tear down the walls of Satan’s kingdom, and thus the spiritual wickedness of the world will do its utmost to oppose and hinder 4 the gospel work. The Chinese Church thus have a saying, “When God works, Satan also works.” As we study the Book of Acts, we see that opposition would soon follow the preaching of the Gospel. However, such opposition could never hinder the growth of the church witness, and the gospel work would go on unhindered. When God works, Satan also works, but God always wins. Those whom God has ordained unto eternal life will be saved. Let us thus be encouraged that the ministry of the gospel is a victorious work, for our victory is in Christ.

Yours affectionately,
Pastor Clement Chew